Home » CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Thursday 3rd December 2020

CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Thursday 3rd December 2020

 […] So the next item is the plans for a strategy. I think we’ll have to, obviously do it virtually. I don’t know if we want to try and decide on dates. I mean, I’m wondering if it might be good to get in that we’ll be getting back from holidays will be January, we can be quite busy. I don’t know if you want to wait until the first week of February […]

Chair (CCPCJ): It is a huge honor for me to welcome each and every one of you and have the presence of our chair from the CND here today, since we’re going to have a joint meeting in a while. Ambassador, it’s it’s important to have you here as is your support. And you chair so magnificently our sister commission – congratulations for your work. So I’d like to start with a few organizational issues. But maybe I would hand it over to Joe to let us know on the organizational issues, as well as on the rules of engagement for delegates, who are connected virtually. Joe please.

Secretariat: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair for providing me with the floor. Good morning to you good morning to the delegates in and also good morning to those connected remotely. As you kindly asked me a Mr. Chair, I would like to recall some of the organizational matters. So first of all, the as the working time of interpreters using a virtual platform was limited to two hours, the meeting times indicated in the invitation also had to be adjusted. So our meetings today and tomorrow will be held from 11 to one o’clock and then from three to five Central European Time. And those adjustments are made to accommodate the different time zones to the maximum possible. What is even more important, Mr. Chair is that as we know, we are in the middle of a Corona pandemic. And we also are required to make our own contributions. And therefore I would like to remind everybody here in the room of the guidance that we have been receiving in line with the measures taken by our host country Austria and guidance received from the joint medical service here at the VIC and that is in line also with the video which was shown here in the room just a few minutes ago. So, I would kindly ask the delegates in the room to please not attend to meeting if you feel unwell or have symptoms, such as fever, cough or etc, please undertake regular preventive measures such as frequent hand washing, or hand sanitizing, as described in the guidelines available online and in the meeting room, please wear masks at all time, you might take it off while you make an intervention. But please then put it up again afterwards and avoid meeting in groups, please make sure that you sign the contact tracing information sheet at your desk. As you also asked Mr. Chair, and finally, rules of engagement for delegates registered as virtual speakers: If you like to speak, please raise your sign by clicking on the hand icon. Once you have been given the floor, then please as possible, turn on your camera and use headsets because that really facilitate the work of the interpreters. Should you encounter any technical issues, kindly use the chat and then the colleagues will get in touch with you and do their best to solve the issue. With that, Mr. Chair, I can help hand over back to you. Thank you very much.

Chair: Thank you. Let us now turn to our first item of our of our provisional agenda, which is the election of officers and in accordance with the ECOSOC resolution 31 from 2003 and rule 15 of the rules of procedure or the functional Commissions of the council at the end of the reconvene 28th session last December, the commission opened its 29th session for the sole purpose of electing its Bureau for the current session. The Commission then elected Her Excellency Ambassador Ibrahim of Afghanistan representing the Asia Pacific states as second chair, as well as we chose Bulgaria representing the Eastern European states as rapporteur and myself as your chair for the 29th session of the Commission, the nomination of the for the Office of First Vice Chair representing Eastern European group, the Western European and other states nominated of Her Excellency, Ambassador Gabbard Alexander of Austria, thanks for your presence here today, madam and congratulations on your nomination. We also have had the nomination of Ambassador of Egypt for the post of third vice chair. So, I invite the commission to approve nominations by acclamation Yeah. I see no objections. It is decided. So, let us now go to, to the adoption of the of the agenda and other organizational matter matters. In this, I think I’d like to recall that the 29th session of the Commission, which had been originally scheduled to take place from the 18th to the 22nd of May this year, had to be postponed because of the COVID-19 situation and in accordance with the ECOSOC decision 2020 slash 230 of July 22. We will hold today a scaled down session, which will be immediately followed by the reconvened session of this commission and then the commission of narcotic drugs. Can we all agree with the proposed organization of work for this scale down regular session, the 29th session of the of our commission as contained in the annex two document ec152021. I see no comments. I understand that the Commission is in agreement with these arrangements. It seems to be the case. So I at this point, I would like to invite our executive director for opening remarks. Miss Waly, welcome to our meeting. We missed you here present actually, but we’re very glad to see you.

UNODC ED: Thank you. Thank you ambassador, I’m very happy to be able to join you. We are all trying to do our part in this COVID pandemic. So excellencies Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honour to join you actually, for the 29th regular session of the Commission on crime prevention and criminal justice ahead of the reconvened sessions. It has been an extraordinary year with unprecedented challenge. I am grateful to the Ambassadors steering the commissions.  My thanks as well to Ambassador […] for his leadership in the negotiations on the Kyoto declaration as we work towards holding the rescheduled 14th current Congress in March 2021. It will be a very important year for the CCPCJ which serves as the preparatory body to the current Congress. And as the body that will follow up on the outcomes of the Congress. I’m also looking forward to addressing these items that will be taken up at the 30th session, notably the thematic discussion on effective measures to prevent and counter migrant smuggling, while protecting the rights of migrants, particularly women and children. The delays and postponements of this year have by no means less than the work involved for the Commission’s and bureaus. I congratulate and commend all of you for your perseverance in the face of considerable obstacles. The Vienna institutions lead the way in adapting to remote and hybrid work and in using online interpretation in the six official un languages. I’m proud of the support UNODC has been able to provide its governing bodies throughout this challenging period, which has helped to facilitate important negotiations in the face of numerous restrictions. I commend my colleagues for their hard work and dedication. We have learned from these experiences and I hope we will be able to apply these lessons to our future endeavors to think about the job innovation and new technologies and to continue facilitating inclusive participation in the world of conditions. You know, the inter-governmental support has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, as well as by the Secretariat quite regular budget crisis. Our office needs more sustainable funding to continue to meet needs and expectations. UNODC relies on our members with the necessary resources to do this. Last month I presented the UNODC strategy outlining our vision and responding to your request contained in the 2019 CND&CCPCJ resolution. This was one of the first tasks I took when I arrived in February. And we continued this work throughout the covid crisis including through to lockdowns again, I thank the delegations for providing written comments which supported our office and fine tuning the text. Now we look to the strategies launch and effective operationalization and we are counting on your engagement and support. I believe that we have laid solid groundwork for a more agile and more effective and more efficient UNODC to support member states in the COVID recovery and beyond. The global pandemic has further heightened the need for the unique integrated support that UNODC provides to help break this vicious cycle of poverty, corruption, crime, drugs, violence and barriers to promote peace and security, human rights and development for excellencies. Dear colleagues, 2020 has been a heartbreaking and challenging year. 2021 will challenge us further and we will rise to the occasion. I thank you for your support for and I wish you a successful meeting. Thank you very much.

Chair (CCPCJ): member states will have an opportunity to intervene on the UNODC strategy for the coming years from 2021 to 2025 – as you have referred Miss Wally. We now move to the reconvened 29th session of the Commission. Let us now proceed with the consideration of the of the provisional agenda of the reconvene session, as you know, in accordance with the ECOSOC decision to five nine of 2011, our meetings today will be held jointly with CND’s 63rd session. The joint meetings will be chaired by Pakistan, the chair of the Commission on narcotic drugs and myself. The Commission’s will be jointly considering the agenda item on strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions, which include the includes the following sub items, one work of the standing open ended intergovernmental Working Group on improving governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, two directives on policy and budgetary issues for the UN crime prevention and criminal justice programme. Three working methods of the commission and four step composition of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and other related matters. action will be taken by the Commission’s at their separate meetings tomorrow, which will be held back to back the meeting of the CND. At its separate meeting tomorrow afternoon, the commission will also consider the remaining agenda items Agenda Item Number four, which is entitled preparations for the 14th UN Congress on crime prevention and Criminal Justice and the preparations for the ACP 15th Congress agenda item five intitle contributions by the Commission to the work of ECOSOC in line with General Assembly Resolution 72 305, including follow up and review and any implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Agenda item six provisional agenda for the 30th session of the Commission. Agenda item seven other business. And finally, agenda item eight adoption of the report of the commission and its tonight’s session. Thereafter, the 29th session will be closed and the 30th session will open for the sole purpose of electing the Bureau of the Commission in accordance with resolution 31 from 2003 and rule 15 are the rules of procedure of the functional conditions. Can we agree on the proposed organisation of work? I see no comments. So, it’s gives me great pleasure and honor to have the floor to Ambassador of Pakistan.

Chair (CND): Thank you Ambassador, excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, members of both Commissions for this joint session. A very good morning to all of you here in Vienna and those who are joining us virtually according to their own respective time zones. These two sister Commissions been working very closely in Vienna on their respective agendas. But thank you very much Ambassador for these inspiring words. As already mentioned, we shall now begin the joint consideration of item four on the agenda of the CND and item three on the agenda of the CCPCJ, in order to make efficient use of our time today. We propose that in our discussions today, under the corresponding items, we covere jointly at the same time, the various sub items, we propose that speakers from the floor clearly indicate which sub items they will cover in their statements. Are there any comments or questions on this proposal? I see no objection. It is so decided and thank you very much. The commission or the Commissions are expected to jointly review the implementation of the consolidated budget for the biennium 2020 dash 2021 as contained in the report of the executive director. Furthermore, the Commissions have for consideration a note by the Secretariat on the draft proposed programme plan for 2022 and performance information for 2020 for UNODC, we will also focus at the joint meetings today on the work of the working group on improving the governance and financial situation of UNODC and on the staff composition of UNODC and other related matters. At our separate meeting tomorrow, the CND will consider the approval of the draft resolution on implementation of the consolidated budget for the biennium 2020-2021 for the funding of the United Nations International drug control programme, following the informal consultations, which were held on 5th, 12th, 18th, and 19th of November, the revised text of the budget resolution, reflecting the amendments proposed by Member States has been circulated in a special message on 27th November. Also, at the separate tomorrow, the CND will take action on the draft procedures to see an entitled improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime extension of the mandate of the standing open ended intergovernmental Working Group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The draft decision reflects the proposal to extend the mandate of the working group until the reconvened sessions of the commission to be commissions to be held in December 2021. That is next year.

Chair (CCPCJ): At this point, MS have the postponement of our Commission’s from the May session, there are two more documents for the consideration of the CCPCJ at its reconvened session. I like also to add that the CCPCJ will have a separate meeting tomorrow afternoon, take formal action on the draft resolution only implementation of the consolidated budget of the United Nations crime and prevention, Grant prevention and criminal justice fun for the biennium 2021 and 2022. And on the draft procedural decision on the future of involve beyond the first half of 2021. I now record by now call the Director of the Division of management of UNODC to introduce the report on the implementation of the consolidated budget for the biennium 2020 2021 for UNODC as well as the report of the executive director on gender balance and geographical representation within UNODC.

UNODC: Thank you, I’m pleased to introduce the report of the executive director on the implementation of the consolidated budget. The outbreak of the COVID-19 and then it has significant implications on the programme delivery of UNODC. Despite that, we already sees rapid response to this unprecedented situation, programme delivery is projected to decrease by $129.3 million, or 18.5%. Compared with the initial budget of $697.9 million for the biennium. The decrease in programme delivery resulted in lower protections for programmes support costs income to mitigate the impact UNODC’s introduced cost saving measures and expenditure projections on programme support cost funds have been decreased from $57 million to $52 million. Notwithstanding, UNODC is facing a potential budget deficit of 1.5 million at biennium. The general purpose fund budget has been maintained at $8.4 million as requested in CND resolution 62 last night, and CCPCJ resolution 28 slash form un ODC conducted a review of its funding model, exploring various options and would have recommendations with member states in early 2021. UNODC also made concrete measures to implement the UN Development System reform and is fully committed to the UN management reform. Mr. Chair, the UNODC continues to promote gender parity and geographical diversity amongst its staff. The Annual Report of the executive director on gender balance and geographical representation within UNODC provides detailed information about the activities undertaken in these areas to achieve a diverse geographical staff representation. The implementation and further enhancement of the geography action plan remains a key priority since its promulgation. The action plan has been revealed and enhanced, important progress has also been made in the areas of upholding the organization’s zero tolerance policy with respect to harassment, including sexual harassment, and promoting an enabling working environment. We thank you for your time and stand ready to respond to your comments and questions. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Director of the Division for policy analysis and Public Affairs: Good morning, Excellencies delegates and colleagues. First of all, thank you to the delegations will take the time to review the programme plan and the programme performance for 2020 and to provide constructive comments and suggestions that have helped us improve the plan and reflect your policy and programmatic needs. The draft document, as you know, was presented on the fifth of November 2020, where you have provided further comments and suggestions for which are gratitude. We also received written comments from three delegations and have worked to incorporate all these comments to the furthest extent possible. A revised version was circulated on 26 November to be discussed by Member States during these reconvened sessions of both Commissions, therefore what you have before you today as a conference room paper is a revised version that takes on board your oral and written comments as best possible given the templates and guidelines set out by our UN headquarters. As you may recall, there are regulations and rules governing programme aspects of the budget, the monitoring of implementation and methods of evaluation. The draft document is to be reviewed by the relevant, sectoral, functional, and regional governmental bodies, if possible during the regular cycle of the meetings, prior to the review by the committee for programme and coordination, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly. It is important to note that the prescribed role of governing bodies is to review the substantive content of the exam and not its formative. Meanwhile, consultations with member states, it is proposed that the following change be made to the current draft documents before we submitted to the programme planning and budget event in New York: The title of results fall under sub programme to motivate as follows from knowledge to practice, drug demand reduction programmes, follow quality standards. The document will then pave the way forward now, once the Commissions have reviewed the documents during sessions, it shall be submitted to the programme planning and budget division of the Department of Management in New York, to ensure harmonization within the wider UN Secretariat. The document will then return to us here in Vienna and be shared with the various sessions of the two conditions for the member states information. In the meanwhile, the same document will be presented to the committee of programmes and coordination in New York. Simultaneously, the advisory committee and administrative and budgetary questions will meet to consider the budget, which indeed, is based upon the draft programme plan. Both then provides the recommendations to the fifth Committee, which in turn recommends the programme plan and the budget for adoption by the UN General Assembly at the end of 2021. Thank you very much for your attention. And I look forward to any statements or remarks you may wish to share. Thank you

Chair: Let us now turn to the part of the item that relates to the work of the working group on Governance and Finance. I would like to inform you that since January 2020 to date, the working group has held six informal meetings and one formal meeting. At this stage I would like to invite Brazil, one of the two co-chairs of the standing open ended intergovernmental Working Group on improving the governance and financial situation of the UNODC to report to the joint meeting of the Commissions on the deliberations of the working group and introduce the document before us.

Brazil: During the period covered by report, the working group held three formal meetings and one formal meeting. Additionally, formal meetings not included in the report are held on five October 13 November and 26 November 2020. During these additional meetings, the working group continued to examine among other topics, the implementation of the consolidated budget for the 2020 2021 biennium, the draft proposed programme plan for 2022 and programme performance for 2021. The revised longer term vision or strategy for geographical representation and gender balance in the composition of UNODC staff human resources management mainstreaming of a gender perspective into the practices policies and programmes as well as updates on the evaluation of the activities of the office. At the meetings of 13 November and 26 November, the working group received an update on the status of implementation of CCPCJ resolution 28 slash four in title budget for the biennium 2020 2021 for the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice fund. And CND resolution 62 slash nine in titled budget for the biennium 2020 2021 for the fund of the United Nations International drug control programme. An update on UNODC plan, research activities and publications were provided at the 13th November meeting. While on 26 November, members states consider agenda item on your notice to assist member states with the implementation of the three international drug control conventions. Already, at its September meeting, members states start discussing the review of the functioning in light of a possible extension of the mandate of the working group beyond the first half of 2021. While many constructive proposals on the format and content of the future of ping of meetings have been shared, Member States agreed that more time was needed for discussions. This agreement is duly reflected in the draft procedural decisions submitted to the Commission’s that will be considered tomorrow, which would extend the mandate of the working group until the end of 2021. This decision gives members sufficient time to discuss for the modalities, including with regard to the content and format of the work, while at the same time allowing member states to synchronize in the future decisions on matters with the action taking on budgetary and programmatic issues on request by Member States. The idea is to organize dedicated informal consultations throughout next year, with a view to facilitating detailed and comprehensive discussions on the work of beyond 2021. I would also like to inform that a series of informal briefings and consultations to consider the implementation of the consolidated budget for the biennium 2020-2021 for UNODC and the related motions were conducted between 5 November and 19 November during the informal consultations, the working group also considered the draft proposed programme plan for 2022 and programme performance for 2021. A large number of delegations attended to meetings, and we thank member states for the regular and active participation, particularly during this challenging year. We would also like to thank the Secretariat of governing bodies for its excellent support, as well as the whole of humanity separately. We hope that member states will remain actively engaged within its framework in the period ahead, including on discussing improvements for the future of the group.Thank you very much.

Chair: Thank you very much. I now open the floor for comments from member states

Philippines on behalf of the group of 77: It is my pleasure to speak on behalf of the group of 77 and China, at the joint meeting of the 29th reconvened session of the CCPCJ and the 63rd reconvene session of CND. In the interest of time, I will deliver an abridged version of the group statement and request the full version be reflected in the report and website. The group appreciates the collaborative commendable work of Ambassador from Pakistan and Ambassador from Brazil for chairing this joint session. We wish to underscore its importance as the principle forum for member states and UNODC,  Secretariat to discuss the implementation of the mandate of the office in an open, inclusive, transparent and regular manner. We welcome top management engagement, particularly the participation of the executive director in some of its meetings, and attach importance on having a meaningful, well planned and structured 2021 work. We recognize the progress made towards their implementation while underscore mandates given to the office in those resolutions are yet to take note of the draft report and implementation of the consolidated budget 2020-2021. And I feel the need for member states to be fully informed throughout the process of approval and adoption of the proposed takes note of the programme, plan and budget document for to stress that these must be fully aligned with the guidance provided by the publishers and must be prepared and presented with full transparency and in a timely manner. Maybe also note with concern the challenges facing the UNODC liquidity crisis, the funding trends affecting its ability to properly […] Member States regularly informed and engaged on the implementation and impact on UNODC reform process, including the UN Development System reform and the new end management system with one end request the executive director report on the Commissions on this issue. While progress has been made, more systematic concrete friendly information is needed, especially on how this reforms have affected you and all this work in the field. The group thinks that the funding model of UNODC should not hinder the scope of delivery of technical assistance for the developing Member States upon their request. We request the office and member states in the implementation of the funding model and its impact on the work of the office in this area. The group also emphasizes the need for regular dialogue and consultations between member states and UNODC regarding the ongoing and planned research activities in all its stages based on policy guidance. The group welcomes representations of executive director that does strategy for 2021-2025 in its relevance will depend on its responsiveness, adaptability and capacity to the needs priorities and guidance given by the members. The group reiterated concern over the gap in equitable and balanced representation staff composition of the Secretariat of developing members needs which are underrepresented or under represented particularly at the professional, senior and policymaking levels, redouble efforts to meaningfully address this issue. Finally, the group welcomes all efforts to make the most of the current situation, we also recognize that these challenging times are all can affect the preparation of the permissions for the next session. Thank you.

European Union: Good morning to colleagues. We wanted to deliver a brief statement on the UNODC strategy 2021-2025. And we hope it’s the appropriate place during our deliberations. We want to seize the opportunity, the European Union and its member states, to thank Miss Wiley and indeed all of your work that led to the strategy 2021-2025. But based on last year’s situation still concluded that UNODC should clarify its vision, define how it will deliver its mandate strategically. This new strategy will strengthen visibility, as well as improve communication and donor relations. It is important that we now embark swiftly on operationalization of the new strategy. We remain interested in more detail on implementation and evaluation. We see the strategy as a living document, which has to be adapted constantly to changing circumstances. This flexibility will provide UNODC with instruments for smart reaction, for example, to effects of the pandemic and other challenges. We also wish to underline the importance of multi stakeholder partnerships, and that includes, of course, civil society. All in all, this strategy will provide a good basis for developing our future cooperation, as well as an impetus to implement our 2030 agenda commitments. Thank you very much.

Singapore on behalf of UNODC Research:  I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the following states: Chile, Colombia, France, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Russian Federation Switzerland, Sweden pilot, United States of America and Singapore – we are a cross-regional groups that support the role of research and data and evidence based analysis in UNODC’s work and its policies to ensure that remains effective and relevant active in the field of drugs and crime. We’d like to highlight real significance of research, which generates highly respected analyses and provides critical important evidence to inform programmatic work. Research should be considered as one of the core activities so as mentioned in the last budget presentation as well as strategy and should affect all areas of your work. Maintaining research integrity is crucial: researchers impartial and transparent and based on verified and reliable data as well as the highest quality and scientific standards. Research publication should benefit the countries and respective regions assessing the national and regional situation and should be prepared in close consultation, including discussing the methodology and informing about funding issues to ensure highest standards relating to impartiality and transparency. Now, in order to ensure an appropriate level of sustainable flow funding, research and cost sharing arrangements, distribution and matching programmes with mandated research areas should certainly be explored. Funding for new interfaces, new predictable costs should be kept as flexible as possible including providing nonsoftware among funding, including to the general purpose fund, to enable research analysis effectively support implementation of the UNODC strategy. As the COVID-19 pandemic shows, we, within drugs and crime need to be able to quickly switch to maintain timely evidence to keep up with new developments in the field of drugs and crime. Research activity should also reach out to external stakeholders to explore collaboration opportunities and necessary resources, including international financial institutions, national, regional and international institutions, foundations, academia, relevant civil society organizations and the private sector, while retaining the highest standards. And finally, the security issue research should have as one of its main objectives in providing technical assistance – According to its mandate, competitive advantages are helping Member States. Thank you very much.

Colombia (?): the pandemic caused by COVID-19 had a huge impact on the work of the Commission’s and UNODC itself. We were deprived of the possibility of fulfilling the mandate, because we could not have substantive debates or take action against the different forms of crime, which have worsened during the pandemic, using even more sophisticated methods. We have tried to work in equal conditions with, but it was far from perfect, and we still need to improve it. We have one very clear conclusion: We cannot stop our work, we must not stop our work. We need to have a schedule for 2021, which will allow us to provide results and have substantive discussions chair. Colombia acknowledges the efforts made by the Secretariat to best overcome the difficulties. And we’d like to congratulate them with regards to their work. However, we are concerned about the portfolio of programmes in Latin America in the Caribbean, which is which has fallen by 23.2%. We also need to consider our financial model. No matter which one we choose. We need an office that can respond to the priority of states in the field. It has to be sensitive, flexible and dynamic in the way it adapt to change and it has to be a reliable and credible partner over time. Colombia acknowledges and congratulate the executive director on her leadership and highlights the need for our focus to be the identification and response to the needs and priorities of states. It should be consistent and in harmony with reform process and its implementation impact should be measurable. And finally, we would like to call upon ourselves to refrain from linguistic sophistry, as it distorts the goal of improving equitable geographic representation and decision making. We need to correct the imbalance in the upper echelons of the office. Thank you.

China: China has taken note of the efforts made by you UNODC over the past one year, and expresses his appreciation for his work in his mandated areas, including his participation in the reform of the United Nation development system, improvement of administrative financial management and assistance from member states in implementing the goals related to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the support for China’s crime prevention and criminal justice efforts. Adequate funding is a guarantee for UNODC to perform its functions. China calls on all countries to strengthen cooperation to ensure that UNODC receives adequate, stable and sustainable budgetary funding, including an increase in general contribution to UNODC so that he can better fulfil his project mandates of preventing and combating crime and promoting criminal justice. The work of UNODC is highly specialized and technical in nature. The Chinese delegation hopes that UNODC will continue to improve its working method, strings and resource management increases efficiency pay attention to a comprehensive and balanced reflection of current work on formulating work plans and objectives and properly handle the relationship between various work and implementation of sustainable development goals. China has taken note of UNODC’s effort to improve gender balance and geographical representation of his staff and appreciate achievements in promoting gender equality. At the same time, China also knows that UNODC has not made as much progress as expected in improving geographical representation of a staff and that there is still much room for improvement. China is of the view that promoting gender and geographical balance and implementing even core values of respecting diversity, treating men and women equally, ensuring fair and balanced geographical and gender distribution of staff and not discriminating against any group will make UNODC stronger. We count on UNODC to take practical measures to increase the proportion of staff from underrepresented countries, especially developing countries, recruit staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible improved your graphical representation of staff and has transparency and efficiency.

USA: As a major donor, we find it essential that UNODC’s work prioritizes complements and supports the three un drug conventions, the UN Convention against transnational organised crime and the UN Convention against Corruption. We recognize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and it’s relevant goals and targets may align with these agreements, but we stress it should not supersede them. The United States welcomes executive director Waly’s strategic vision which grounds the organization’s work in its core mandates and champions community, collaboration with a variety of partners. We welcome in particular the strategies emphasis on productive engagement with civil society, which has an appropriate and vital role to play not only in informing priorities, but also in implementing activities to support them. The consultative process of this strategy’s development is testament to the executive directors commitment to the principles of transparency and accountability. We welcome and support continued efforts to increase transparency in the organization’s operations, particularly in the budget process. […] In the consultative process of this strategy’s development is testament to the executive directors commitment to the principles of transparency and accountability. We welcome and support continued efforts to increase transparency in the organization’s operations, particularly in the budget process. United States also welcomes you to notice these new partnership policies, which offers opportunities for simplified and more frequent engagement with governments, other international organizations and UN entities and civil society. We encourage UNODC to continue to seek these partnerships where feasible, we recognize the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and commend UNODC for its continued programme delivery. The recovery from the pandemic will require leaders to find innovative cost cutting strategies and make smart spending decisions to maintain high programme implementation and performance. At the same time, the United States continues to have concerns about core budget issues such as transparency in the decision making at headquarters on the use of the programme support costs. We encourage a broader distribution of these funds. I would also like UNODC’s budget development process to be closely tied to the Secretary General’s reform efforts. This includes implementing a budget cycle on an annual rather than by annual basis. The United States supports greater communication between the Secretariat and Member States on budgetary and management issues. While maintaining decision making responsibilities with the Commissions, we welcome the opportunity to consider how we might improve its effectiveness and efficiency in its next mandate. The United States supports the UNODC’s efforts to develop comprehensive diversity recruitment and workforce planning strategies to enhance gender balance and geographic representation is paramount focus as enshrined in Article 101 of the UN Charter.

UK: We very much welcome the strategic vision for you in DC and look forward to its effective implementation. Recent pandemic has altered the ways in which transnational criminal groups operate and has imperilled new groups of vulnerable citizens. It’s vital therefore, that you know DC has the right tools, the right focus and the right level of who more or the partner of unity see in this forum and beyond. At the same time, the UK has always been a strong voice for transparency is particularly important at the moment. The pandemic means that all of our budgets are under pressure and difficult financial decisions are being taken is therefore more important than ever to be able to demonstrate the impact that our joint efforts have on transnational organised crime. Taking a rigorous programme management approach and ensuring that the work in the field is supported. By as all of you on this we believe that you know DC is indeed uniquely placed to lead the international efforts to reduce criminality and working together with multiple partners, including states, partner organisations and critically civil society who have a key role to play. We welcome the efforts of the working group on finance and governance. You see that you enter DC, the the UN ODC budget implementation resolution being adopted reaffirms important commitments made in resolution 62 slash nine and 28 slash four on many key elements of budget transparency, including programme support costs, where we look forward to further progress. We welcome also commitments by UN ODC on UN Development System reform, on evaluation on gender mainstreaming, and on good good governments well as to sharing information on savings and possible reallocation of resources. Finally, we look forward to a joint Efforts to progress all of these issues, as well as ever more transparency and scrutiny of human or disease budget to ensure that together, our investment in our collective safety and security is as impactful and effective, effective, as ever. Many thanks.

Switzerland: I would like to thank the new director, Executive Director, madam cut of ready for her for her work or the head of UN ODC. We assure you of our full support and cooperation in the discharge of your duties. Firstly, we would like to welcome the open and frank dialogue on unity seas strategy for 2021 2025. Together with member states, we very much appreciate the presentation of the short and coherent strategy documents that reflects the comments made by Member States during the consultations. It’s particularly important to take on board the impact of COVID-19 on the activities of UNODC. We are delighted with the continued cooperation as part of that strategy. Secondly, we would like to underscore the important role played by the oversight bodies. Against this backdrop, we note with concern the large number of recommendations by the external auditor that remain in advance at the present time. We hope that UNODC will include information on their implementation status in future budget drafts. It’s important that information provided by the Secretariat should be transparent, accurate and accessible. It’s also with a view to improving effectiveness that we support the reform efforts of the UN Secretary General, notably development system reform. UNODC is called upon to produce a report during the next session of CND and CCPCJ. We’re also in favor of enhanced cooperation between the different UN headquarters, and we are delighted that the UNODC focal point has begun work in Geneva. We look forward to the outcomes of that enhanced cooperation in the future. Thirdly, as regards the importance of the work of the research and analysis brunch, we align ourselves with the Joint Declaration read by Singapore, we would like to underscore that the methodologies used must be based on international standards. And as regards the statistical methods, they need to be discussed within the UN Commission on statistics. We reiterate the call that we made during the main CND session, namely for a separate agenda item on implementation of the UN common position on drug policies. And I will hand in a written version of the statement. Thank you.

Canada: We are meeting today at the end of a difficult year, during which organized crime has found ways to further exploit women girls and the most marginalized members of our communities who are already disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. In these challenging times, Canada remains more than ever affirmed supporter of the UNODC’s role in delivering high quality operational and technical assistance, which complements its policy relevant research and normative work. In the field of transnational organized crime, in particular, when it comes to trafficking in persons and cybercrime, we welcome the strategy by the executive director Waly and resolve to pursue UNODC’s work in collaboration with other UN agencies, regional and international organizations. Given the economic fallout of the pandemic, avoiding duplication of efforts will indeed be important. We also are encouraged by the emphasis in the drug draft strategy on effective horizontal governance built on results-based management and the integration of monitoring and evaluation. Canada is also of the view that the UNODC should continue to use programme support costs funds to offset expenses both at its headquarters and in the field. We encourage UNODC to provide clear and timely information on how the programme support costs are distributed throughout the organization. We’re also cognizant, however, that the pandemic is complicating these tasks. Canada is committed to work with the UNODC in meeting these challenges to achieve results. We welcome the efforts to implement the United Nations Development System and management reform. Canada appreciates the fact that this proposed strategy is in alignment with these reforms. And we are happy to continue with the discussions. We welcome the progress made in achieving gender parity among UNODC staff. Additionally, the actions have been taken to combat sexual harassment and abuse among UNODC staff and in the field is a priority that needs to be given full priority. Canada supports the mainstreaming of gender perspectives in all aspects of universities work. This needs to be continued in order to strengthen the effectiveness of our action and to prevent and combat crime and fortune protections to victims. Thank you.

Japan: we wish to extend our appreciation to the Secretariat for their hard work in making this joint session possible in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown. UNODC’s work through its research, normative and technical assistance is duly recognized by the international community, Japan highly appreciate its operation. Japan contributed a total of 26 million to the UNODC in order to promote its activities upon the need on the ground. The COVID-19 pandemic has been causing regrettable suspension of UNODC activities, posing challenges in the field and in headquarter. It is all the more important to ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability. By doing so, UNODC can gain needed trust by member states and thereby can make flexible and timely response that are then called by the international community. These efforts are also indispensable in positioning and distinguishing UNODC within a context of the ongoing UN system before you will know this you need to continuously probe its capability to meet the expectations of the member states. Japan appreciate initiative by Madame executive director to present a comprehensive strategy for the coming five years. Member States expect to be kept updated on the progress of this strategy and are ready to continue to cooperate toward its full achievement. Financial challenges remain unchanged – the downward trend in the general-purpose fund acquires a quick approach to the various challenges on the ground. In this regard, Japan wishes to reiterate, it is critical for UNODC to explore creative programming and funding models with effective and flexible use of programme support cost. With this Japan’s ready to engage through annual financial cooperation as well as continental style.

Jamaica: my delegation would like to place on record appreciation to you and the Secretary for the action taken to ensure continuity of the Commission’s work in an unprecedented year. We are particularly grateful for those efforts geared towards facilitating the participation of members like Jamaica, which is without a physical representation in Vienna, while we navigate the various restrictions resulting from the pandemic. The pandemic has been a challenging test for the international community including the UNODC, which has not escaped the financial turmoil brought by the pandemic. In this regard, we note productive response of the UNODC including readjustments to its board in implementation of cost saving measures and alignment to the UN’s global humanitarian response plan, the strategic Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID and the framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19. Jamaica expressed concerns regarding the precarious financial situation and organization in particular, the continued decline in availability of unemployment funds. There is no doubt that the global pandemic has further exacerbated the situation and we therefore reiterate the call on donors to give serious considerations to providing predictable and flexible funding for organizations in support of its mandate, and the vital work being undertaken globally. My delegation thanks the Executive Director for her report on gender balance and geographical representation within the UNODC. We recognize her role as an international agenda champion equally strengthening and promoting an inclusive and enabling organizational culture. On a matter of geographical representation and diversity: We support the outreach, recruitment and retention efforts and their associated activities, and a particular note of the geographical diversity strategy and the diversity corner launch earlier this year. We reiterate our disappointment regarding the low-level representation from the Caribbean sub-region and we look forward to improve efforts on this matter. COVID-19 has brought to the forefront on all for all levels of society, questions regarding our future work. There is no indication with a detailed assessment of the impact of the pandemic on the organization’s hiring practices, policies and work arrangements. Such an assessment would serve to identify best practices and lessons learned in the event of similar crises. In closing, we recommend greater efforts towards sub-regional representation in the organization and a detailed assessment of the pandemic hiring practices and work on work arrangements.

Russia: the Russian Federation notes the development of a strategic vision for its work for the next five years. This gives the member states the opportunity to speak on this document, we are in favor of strengthening efforts in addressing drugs, crime, corruption, and terrorism. We are pleased to note that the organizational strategy includes new challenges and ways to address them. We all understand that, however, that departing from our main tasks as set by the member states would be undesirable. We understand the efforts that have been made to adapt to the new circumstances caused by the pandemic. We see this as unprecedented measures. However, we do need to revert to standard procedures as soon as that is possible and come up with new forms of work. Not all comments of member states were able were reflected in this document. We however, hope that the organization will take full account of the comments that our country sent during the drafting of the documents in its work over the next five years. The Russian Federation is ready to support the strategy, including by our annual voluntary contribution. We hope that the strategy will be implemented in very close consultation with Member States. We continue to support the UNODC in implementing measures to ensure a balanced addressing of the international drug problem, the issue of extradition and eradicating terrorism and in implementation of the anti-terrorism convention and so forth. We believe that the discussion of issues related to adequate funding and the optimization of governance within UNODC enhances transparency and accountability. We support a working group of continued existence in an agreed format and a prolonged mandate for the maximum possible term. However, we are ready to compromise by extending the mandate for one year on the understanding that interested parties will discuss ways of further enhancing the working groups effectiveness during that time.

We noted that the Secretary has implemented strict cost saving measures. However, the Secretary recognizes that such practices can have negative impacts on the work of the organization. We would like to assure that this does not impact on core activities. We will be following the analysis and recommendations of oversight bodies on the financial and financial situation and on the justification for cost saving measures.

Pakistan: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan sincerely acknowledged the effective role and contribution of this honorable commission to standing open ended intergovernmental working groups in the overall strategic orientation. Pakistan is consistently implementing a policy of zero tolerance against all manifestation of drugs and related crimes, while seeking guidance from relevant international conventions, and the drug policy documents to effectively address and counter the word drug problems even during COVID-19. We remain highly vigilant to interdict trafficking of illicit drugs to fulfil our responsibility by taking maximum precautions. During the first seven months of the year, 174.8 metric tonnes of illicit drugs and precursors chemicals were seized compared to 135.3 metric tonnes seized during the same period in 2019. Pakistan would reiterate that the issue of illicit drugs and related crime is the most prevalent form of organized crime and is getting more and more complex with every passing day. Pakistan sincerely feels that this forum should examine carefully that strategic focus and orientation on other transnational organized crime and direct its effort to address the core issue of our drug problem. We would recommend this commission for allocation of proportional resources for countering the word drug problem with greater focus on strength, strengthening the capabilities of the source and target countries in accordance with the level of threat. International assistance should be in accordance with the needs and requirements of the end user countries being supported. We find it encouraging to see the recruitment of staff in UNODC and INCB on wide geographical basis, as well as from developing underrepresented and underrepresented countries and last allocating more resources UNODC to promote youth initiatives. Thank you

Brazil: My delegation associates itself with this statement delivered on behalf of G77. Brazil wishes to highlight the value attached to the work of the working group on finance and governance. We believe that its work is paramount to increasing transparency and analyzing concrete measures dedicated to improving the management of the office. I would like to express our appreciation for the conduction of the work of the working groups. My delegation is supportive of the idea of discussing the future of WGs during the coming year, with a view to strengthening its mandate as well as its methods of work. With reference to the draft report, presented by the executive director on gender balance and geographical representation, it is clear that more progress needs to be made on the recruitment and selection policies of the office, particularly within the professional and higher categories, including field representatives. We recognize that important progress has been made towards gender balance. Unfortunately, similar results have not yet been achieved when it comes to geographical balance in the composition of staff. The governing bodies of this office have approved specific mandates towards this objective, but we have not yet observed the expected improvement. It is our understanding that increasing the diversity of staff positively affects the quality of the service provided by this office. In addition to giving more legitimacy to the action it develops. It also contributes to the image of this office as a leading organisation providing assistance and support for member states.. Thank you, Your Excellencies.

Cuba: We would like to congratulate Ambassador of Pakistan, and Ambassador of Brazil for co-chairing this joint session. Cuba associates itself to the statement made by the ambassador of Philippines on behalf of G 77 and China, and would like to make the following comments in our national capacity. Cuba highlights the importance of monitoring the mandate of UNODC in a periodic and transparent way. Cuba points out the need for UNODC to increase its technical assistance to developing countries especially in the context of COVID-19. To do so, it needs staple financing. Whereby resources are not linked to specific goals. The gap between ordinary and extraordinary funds needs to be dealt with in line with the UN Development System reform, with regards to the composition of UNODC stuff. Finally, we are grateful for the executive directors briefing on the 2021-2025 strategy. And we hope that the final version and plan of action should be properly analyzed by Member States with enough time in order to provide feedback as this should respond to state needs. We also observe that regional strategies are being drawn up now. And they should be linked to that document so that we have system wide coherence. Thank you.

Iran: I want to start by saying the COVID-19 virus is far from over. In this connection, we believe that UNODC should play its crucial role to deal with Member States’ needs, challenges and opportunities. The Islamic Republic of Iran attaches great importance to a strategy which would ultimately enhance UNODC’s efforts in fulfilling its mandate to strengthen its capacity and realize its main objectives. To achieve that noble goal, we all have the view that it is essential that …

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