Home » Resolution L6 – Improving data collection on, and responses to, harmful effects of non-medical use of pharmaceuticals (Thursday morning)

Resolution L6 – Improving data collection on, and responses to, harmful effects of non-medical use of pharmaceuticals (Thursday morning)


Chair: good morning, and the schedule for today for the work of the committee of the whole and the parallel plan informal consultations have been shared with all registered delegations tonight.

Nigeria: Tonight at eight o’clock we will gather at the informal and decide.  And I also want to start by expressing our profound gratitude to you for all of your invaluable support and guidance assistance, including the Secretariat for all of the efforts in ensuring a seamless process. And I am happy to report this morning.

Nigeria: We managed to agree on the following: pp4, pp4t, op3, op4, op5bis, op5t, op7

Singapore: We proposed pp4alt – it has been agreed in informals. We would like to change some text to be in line with the title that causes no alteration to the content.

Nigeria: We had a bit of a challenge with this – we had suggestions from Singapore and Russia. This is echoing the INCB report about the challenges regarding nonmedical use. We are not opposed to this amendment.

Chair: Delegates, do we agree?

USA: We have a preference to stick with the original language that Singapore proposed yesterday that reflected the report in a way that we found more accurate. We would like to retain the reference to synthetic opioids.

Singapore: we are flexible when it comes to retaining the original synthetic opioids wording, or the one that we have proposed, but it’s just I felt that for this resolution, it will actually be bit more relevant to change it to the title, but we are flexible and we will you are open to listening to the other delegates are returning back to the original wording.

Belgium: We, we agree with the, with remarks made by the United States that if the report of 2019 was not doing talking about cytotoxic Strophic substances and active substances in pharmaceutical containing narcotic drugs, well we shouldn’t change what the report has just indicating so indicate, so if the report is only speaking about synthetic opioids, then that’s what we should be talking about and just could what report has been saying so we would prefer to stick to the to the original language. Thank you.

Chair: I tend to agree with Belgium. I see Russia supports Singapore.

Russia: We can agree with Singapore with regard to a broader wording. With regard to a broader word in the world drug report covers not just synthetic opioids, but many other kinds of

problems such as the non-medical use of pharmaceutical products containing mycolic substances psychotropic substances and NPS, so we would be able to agree to revert to the original wording, because this is not by the decision for our delegation. I think that we would be in agreement with reverting to the original language.  If Singapore does not object to this wording. Thank you,

Nigeria: In this case, we should refer to what is in the INCB report – we remain flexible but prefer the language to be as agreed in informals.

Chair: If I understand well, Singapore and Russia are showing flexibility here. Great.

Nigeria: Nothing is in brackets in this paragraph. I would like to hear comments from colleagues.

Singapore: Yes “scheduled substances such as fentanyl and analogues…” then you continue as it is.

Chair: Do we agree with pp4alt as on the screen now? Agreed by COW.


Nigeria: Having made reference to the INCB report of 2019 colleagues also felt that there was need to refer to the latest reports that focused on the draft resolution so that was why this was proposed by Russia, and it also enjoyed them consensus and we would like to appreciate it. This op is key to this resolution. We requested the UNODC to continue to assist MS – develop capacity, which within has been the cause of the wide gap in ensuring that data in this situation, or in the, in respect to the soft sciences, which are the focus of this resolution have been missing, and then we try to also ask for technical assistance in this regard to also improve the unimportant capabilities, and also one of the most important aspect was the population, service, building technical assistance to help this population so there’s, and then be able to report on the deaths resulting from non medical use of these substances. When we see reports coming from some regions, especially in Africa, we do not find reports regarding debts adverse effects of non medical use of these substances. The reports are bound with information about decisions by law enforcement, as well as prosecution sentences on their annual reports, and these reports are valuable, and we believe that if we improve capacity to start collecting these reports, it will give a clear and comprehensive picture of the magnitude of change and enable us to make informed responses at all levels to address this problem.

Russia on op3alt: We support the pp and have a small addition to focus it more on treatments services delivered using medical substances that contain narcotics, psychotropics, NPS… so after “treatment services” we would like to add “with pharmaceuticals, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or NPS”. This way, it would be clearer what treatment services we are referring to.

Chair: Is this a new element?

Nigeria: We haven’t had a discussion on this yet, but we can agree to this is it doesn’t cause problems for colleagues.

Chair: Delegates?

Belgium: I am not a native speaker, but the language seems a bit weird. Maybe the native speakers can help us out here? Also, a small change in the second last phrase “these pharmaceuticals” instead of “substances”.

Chair: Do delegates agree with op3alt? Agreed by COW.


Nigeria: This is an opportunity to include these issues in the World Drug Report and invite MS to provide relevant information to the ARQ.

Chair: Agreed by COW


Nigeria: UN toolkit […]

Chair: Agreed by COW.

op5bis – Agreed


Nigeria: This paragraph is also referencing the initiatives of the INCB how member states could also blind his initiatives to prevent illicit manufacturer diversion and trafficking of non eyeshadow that suffers and we think that it is a good point, which is also important for this nation, if we could begin to use the produce initiatives of the INCB to ensure that we address these challenges so we hope we could agree this para informers Thank you.

Jamaica: [inaudible]

Chair: Could you write your request, we couldn’t understand you. Okay – “assist with preventing”. Any objections to Jamaica’s proposal?

Nigeria: “assist in preventing”

Chair: Accepted by COW.


Nigeria: Thank you, jet another important paragraph of this resolution, here we invite the INCB, WHO & regional and international organizations, and within their respective mandates to streamline the national, regional, international data collection and also accorded the sharing of best practices. In this regard, global data collection analysis and reporting of trends of the focus of this resolution on the harmful effects of non medical use of pharmaceuticals.

Chair: Agreed by COW. I hope we can put an other resolution in the basket tonight. We have still time in this session. Would you like to discuss PPs or Ops you are close to come to agreement on.

Nigeria: We believe we would make better progress in informals.

Chair: Okay, good luck. We will meet again at 6pm CET.

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