Home » Plenary Item 12. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its sixty-fifth session.

Plenary Item 12. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its sixty-fifth session.

Chair: We are having technical difficulties with printing the resolutions, we will therefore change the order of our proceedings, but we will turn to Nigeria who has kindly agreed to act as rapporteur so that we can adopt various parts of the report. We will then move to the resolutions. We only have a few hours of interpretation allowance so we must use our time wisely and proceed with the parts of the agenda that we can proceed with now. Apologies to our esteemed colleague from Colombia, I hope you can be with us later to discuss the resolutions. Thank you. before I give the floor to the rapporteur, I recall that regarding the format of the report for the 65th session, the CND in decision 55/1 decided to make efforts to reduce the length of its annual report bearing in mind the need for the report to include resolutions adopted by the CND and a brief summary of discussions in each agenda item, focusing on policy findings and conclusions reached. I now give the floor to the rapporteur.

Nigeria: I want to present the draft report contained in several documents: E/CN.7/2022/L1: this contains the chapter of the organisation of the session and organisational matters, then add.1 includes the general debate, add.2 then item 4, then add.3 contains the chapter on item 5, then add4 includes item 6, then add.5 includes item 7 of the agenda, then add.6 contains item 8, and then add.7 contains item 9. The draft report does not include agenda items 10 and 11, this will be drafted after the conclusion of the session. We will go addendum by addendum.

Chair: Thank you for compiling the report. May I ask delegates to submit changes they would like to see reflected in the final report in writing to the Secretariat. The report being in front of you and available in the 6 languages, we will proceed with the adoption of the report. Let us first take L1. Are there any comments on the adoption of this document? I see no comment, this document is adopted. Let us now come to L1/add.1. Are there any comments?

Italy: Our head of delegation is our Minister for Youth policies.

Slovenia: We also had a Minister speaking at this occasion, if this could be corrected.

Lithuania: I want to say the same for Lithuania, we had the Minister speaking, not the Deputy Minister.

Colombia: In the Spanish version, it states that the head of delegation, Minister of Justice and Law, made a video statement, but this was made online.

Chair: Thank you, this will be reflected in the report. May I take it that as orally amended this part of the report can be adopted? I see no objection, this is adopted. Turning now to L1/add.2: any comments?

Cuba: I have to raise a technical issue in the report regarding para 6. In our understanding, it makes different categories of the participants in the reading mentioning Burkina Faso and other institutions. We need to put in separate paragraphs the two categories, to put the final point in mentioning Burkina Faso in person, and then add a new para to reflect the participation of other institutions, in order to consider the same approach contained in L1/add.5 paras 5, 6, 7. Also, in L1/add.5 in para 5, it should mention Cuba as an observer, and add a new para 5 to mention other organisations.

Chair: The proposal then is across the report to put in different paras the interventions of member states and those from other institutions like NGOs. This is going to be done.

Russia: On behalf of Mr. Putin, Russia thanks the rapporteur of this session to table the document before us. In para 13, there is reference to the proposal to table Russia. I want to add a sentence: given the fact that Latvia’s candidacy was in breach of the rules there was no sufficient time for discussion on this issue.

Chair: I take it as a statement that can be reflected in the report, but it cannot be inferred that this would invalidate the decision taken by the CND according to the rules. Of course, this observation will be reflected.

Russia: I’d like to explain that the Russian federation is in no way disputing the decision taken bye the CND, it has to do with the text of the report which we would like to have truly reflecting the statement of my delegation. We are asking for this to be reflected.

Chair: This is also my understanding.

UK: Given the intervention by the Russian delegate we want to reflect that one delegation asked the Secretariat whether there had been a breach of procedure and it was indeed answered that there was no breach of procedure.

Chair: The summary of the chair will also be reflected in there. Thank you. I see no more interventions, we can now adopt this part of the report as orally amended. It is decided. We now move to L1/add.3, are there any comments?

Indonesia: We have minor correction in p. 2, we delivered our intervention online, not in person.

Chair: I see no more interventions. Can we adopt this part of the report as orally amended? No objection, it is so decided. Moving on to L1/add.4: are there any comments?

Tanzania: Tanzania’s statement is not reflected in the section in the general debate.

Chair: This was a statement under add.1. Would you like this to be reflected in the report by writing to the Secretariat? This will be reflected in the report. I re-put to the floor the question whether we can adopt L1/add.1? That is the case.

Chair: Would you like to send your amendment in writing?

Tanzania: Sure.

Chair: With this observation from Tanzania, can we adopt the L 1 addendum one? I take it that that is the case. L1 ad2? Accepted. Ad3 and 4? Accepted.

Indonesia: We have made an intervention online and not in-person.

Chair: Certainly. Thank you. We move on to L1 ad5. I see no comments. Accepted. Ad6?

Spain: We made an intervention after Thailand. Can we reflect that in the report please?

Chair: Yes, thank you. Moving on to L1 ad6 as orally amended. It is so decided.


Chair: Thank you, Madam Ambassador, that is exactly how we how we recorded it and your request, which is a very valid one, will be observed throughout the entire report – of separation in separate paragraphs of statements made by member states on the one hand and statements made by nonmember states on the other. That is well understood. Thank you very much. I see no further comments. Can we adopt addendum 7 as amended orally? Seems to be the case. Thank you, colleagues. We have not yet adopted the report as a whole… So maybe I think it is probably best that we suspend the meeting for a little while we make sure that everybody is in possession of hard copies of the resolutions in their final versions. Okay? Meeting suspended.

Chair: We have agreed on 4 resolutions (L 2, 4, 5, and 7). Australia (the sponsor of L6) withdrew it before CoW. L3 by the Russian Federation was also withdrawn. Before I invite adoptions, I would like to inform member states that oral statement should not be on financial implications.

Secretary: We will now vote on L 2, 4, 5, and 7. L3 was not approved by CoW. L6 was withdrawn. Start with L2.

Chair: L2 Resolution adopted.

Thailand: The resolution supports sustainable development. We thank the cosponsors who have worked with us on this draft since the beginning.

Peru: We thank our cosponsors.

Germany: We thank Thailand and Peru for working together with us on this resolution. Each year, we try to work together to bring new ideas to progress sustainable development. We also thank all member states that offered constructive negotiation.

Chair: Co-sponsors? Mexico, Norway, USA, and Japan.

Secretary: Move on to L4.

Chair: L4 Resolution adopted.

Mexico: This resolution deals with issues of the utmost importance. We thank all delegations that have acted productively. We are thankful to our team and the CND. We need increased international cooperation, which should work with this resolution. We thank Columbia and the Chair for leadership, as well as our cosponsors.

Chair: Co-sponsors? Canada, Brazil, Guatamala and El Salvador.

Secretary: Move on to L7.

Chair: L7 Resolution adopted.

USA: This resolution will outpace criminals, particularly related to designer precursors and non-scheduled substances.

Chair: Co-sponsors? Canada, Mexico, Norway, UK, and Japan.

Secretary: Move on to L5.

Chair: L5 Resolution adopted.

Slovenia: This resolution will benefit our children and grandchildren. We are grateful to have reacted consensus. We thank all involved.

France: We pay tribute to the work achieved by Slovenia, the Chair, and member states.

Chair: Co-sponsors? Canada, Mexico, Norway, UK, Brazil, and Japan.

Secretary: Move on to L3.

Chair: Russian Federation will make statement regarding L3 Resolution.

Russia: We have tabled for discussion on L3. This is of the utmost importance. The covid 19 pandemic has galvanized drug related crime online. This results in the increased accessibility of drugs, especially to youth. Any delay in agreeing in this resolution will only increase the proliferation of drugs. We thank our partners for their support. We have come up against many countries that have aggressive position against us and our resolution. We have been stonewalled in the negotiation process. We have gotten to substantive input from other member states. This attitudes have influenced our delegation and the committee as a whole. Western member states have been destructive to the spirit of compromise. The international community somehow doesn’t seem to be concerned with agreeing on this resolution. Why are western states so demonstrative in setting aside cooperation? Russia cant allow for this to happen. This is something that is a pity and is counter to the basic principal to consensus. We suggest that L3 be delayed until next year at the 66th CND. We thank our cosponsors who have worked with us despite aggression from Western nations. We also thank the Chair for his professionalism and coordination.

Chair: The Commission is not in a position to take any action. To be noted in the record that CND hasn’t been able to take action on this resolution.

I would like to warmly thank the 1st Vice Chair, Chairman of the CoW. And everybody, cosponsors, delegations, secretariat, interpreters, everyone has done an amazing job.

One final point for us to consider. Invite the Commission to adopt the report as a whole. We have adopted the subsections previously. And considered all resolutions. Objections to adopt?

Russian Federation: We will postpone the consideration of a draft resolution submitted by Russia and would like for our position to be detailed in the report. We want to familiarise ourselves with the contents of the report before it’s published.

Chair: Obvious, goes without saying. Comments can be forwarded to the Secretariat, as previously mentioned. Can we adopt the report? Objections? Report adopted.

UNODC: This session has been a challenging one. In some ways, unprecedented. The circumstances we’re convening in has produced deep division and this commission was affected. We saw extraordinary steps and procedures, like voting for the first time in CND history. Ultimately, the meetings have produced important results that will lead to member states improving drug control responses and protecting public health. The drug control system has stood for decades. The CND plays an integral role in the system, bringing 3 substances and 3 precursors under control. The wdp doesn’t pause when urgent threats arise and neither can we. Resolutions important despite challenges in negotiations. Beyond challenges, CND experts, civil society, academica, youth and member states together address  the world drug problem. We met from 130 countries, including 17 intergovernmental organisations and 86 NGOs. NGOS have a crucial role in shaping and supporting effective drug policy with on the ground experience. I engaged with them during the informal dialogue and met many bilaterally. Their contributions and that of all stakeholders made this commission a rich platform. In the plenary, and 130 side events online, participants discussed pertinent challenges, including strengthening cooperation, education, evidence based interventions and incorporating gender and youth responses, adapting to the pandemic. A major topic was access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes. First day I joined a joint call to action to facilitate access in line with the conventions. Most of the population has inadequate access. INternational community must allocate resources to address the problem in developing countries. Conflicts create obstacles and vulnerabilities and make it harder to get treatment by disorders. Today, people affected by the world drug problem need us more, not less. I hope we build on the results of the session. The UNODC will support CND and all MS in promoting the health and wellbeing of people.  Thanks Chair of Plenary. Chair of CoW. Thanks to all the team. I trust the world will find peace and healing. 

Chair: Thank you all. Especially the Extended Bureau. Thanks to the Secretariat. And everybody who works behind the scenes. Meeting is closed.

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