UNODC representative made a speech about general issues of new UNAIDS vision in 2015 “getting to zero”. In the framework of this project it is planned that universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care will be addressed.
The concept of universal access is based on the idea of provision of adequate services; availaibility of services, coverage; effectiveness of the services, continuity of care.
According to UNAIDS Globally 2 needle syringes distriubuted per month; 8% of IDUs recieve OST; herewith, the UNAIDS says that 18 countries have NSPs in prisons…
HIV and HIV/TB in prisons: contributing factors:
criminal justice/legal framework; overuse of imprisonment, over representation opf most volnerale population groups for HIV; poor prison conditions, poor prison management, low access to health care; stigma and discrimination (IDUs, MSM); denial and lack of interest in the system.
6 countries have been a specific focus (central asia + Azerbaijan);
Problems identified:
Domination of punitive policvies for drug crimes
Limitation of the rights of people and discrimination
Limited participation of CS
Broad provition of compulsory treeatment
Absence of regulatory frameworks, etc.
Recommendations made:
Public health law reform
HIV law
Social protection law
More human rights!!!