In the past year, Laos has tackled drugs issues with important changes. We have amended the drug law. We have carried out drug education in different ways to create awareness in society. Currently, we assiduously help former opium poppy farmers with sustainable livelihoods. We cooperate with China to carry out substitution projects. UNODC and other countries help us implement food security programmes. We have visited the project in Thailand and this has contributed to the implementation of substitution project in a rural areal.
We participate in crime prevention as well. The number of drug offenders arrested and of illicit drugs seized have increased since 2012. We must collaborate with international organisations, NGOs and others to get technical and financial assistance.
There are other issues that must be addressed urgently. An opium survey reveals that many farmers who have achieved sustainable livelihoods are still producing opium. Also, ATS use has increased in many localities.
The course of action seems sensitive and confused. It must be continued. It takes time to show results. It requires substantial funding. I call on international organisations, international financial institutions and NGOs to continue supporting technically and financially Laos to cope with the world drug problem. I request Mr. Fedotov to nominate the new UNODC field office representative to replace the post of the previous person.
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