Minister of Iran
Support for G 77 and China statement, and the Asia-Pacific statement. UNGA Special Session will provide an opportunity for reviewing the impediments and challenges that have led to the failure to suppress the production and consumption of drugs. UNGASS can act as a roadmap for future activities aimed at combating the global surge of narcotic drugs.
Even though world countries have had considerable progress, the objectives proposed by the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action have not been fully realized. Regretfully, the progress made in the field of drug control has not been equally achieved in different parts of the world. The cultivation and production of opiates continues more rapidly in some regions. Where opiate production has been halted, they have been replaced by synthetic drugs. Drugs that are not controlled have found their way in the illicit cycle as precursors. Border control and intelligence exchange prove to be ineffective in halting the drug flow. Threatens health and sustainable development. Failure to materialize shared responsibility in implementing development projects with priority given to alternative livelihoods in areas of production and cultivation. Failure to provide technical assistance to countries of origin and transit.
Support the three UN drug conventions as the basis for future activities for combating the surge of narcotic drugs. Need to be considered as incontrovertible commitments of countries. The 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action can act as the basis for bilateral and multilateral activities, can’t be influenced by trivial matters or cause diversion in global drug control efforts. Emphasizes the need to hold separate roundtable meetings on drug demand reduction, drug supply reduction, countering money laundering, and enhancing regional and international cooperation, at the UNGASS in 2016.
Underlines the following points: give global priority to the issue of alternative livelihoods, necessity for continued cooperation by world countries to hamper entry of illicit funds into international financial systems, sharing of experiences in demand reduction for cooperation, need for further support by global community in strengthening regional cooperation mechanisms (border control and information sharing, including the triangular initiative which includes Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan), coordinated and integrated contact among security and law enforcement bodies across countries in order to carry out operations, necessity for advanced equipment in Afghanistan in proportion with drug flows, enhancing intelligence cooperation (from sharing intelligence about criminals to sharing intelligence about individuals past criminal records and seizure of drug traffickers properties). Hope such cooperations would proceed so that this problem which threatens the future of humanity is properly managed.