We thank the Secretariat for the preparations so far, ensuring timely submission of documents for this session. We fully associate with the statements delivered by the G77 and China, as well as the Africa Group.
The world drug problem continues to pose a threat to society and individuals, including organised crime, money laundering and terrorism. What is required is a coordinated transnational strategy in line with the principles of common and shared responsibility. We support the various consultations leading to the 2009 political declaration. We reaffirm our commitments to the mid-term review of the declaration in 2014.
In the implementation of the political declaration, the review of 2016 will rejuvenate our efforts in the fight against illicit drugs. We want to see collaborative efforts for the implementation of the 3 existing conventions, with a leading role from UNODC.
Nigeria expresses its grave concern in the abuse of illicit drugs. Member states should not lose sight of the public health consequences of drugs. They continue to ravage communities, families and society. We have adopted measures and programmes to reduce drug abuse – prevention, education, counselling, treatment, rehab and community mobilisation.
Nigeria has brought tramadol and ketamine under national control. Ketamine is widely used in Nigeria for anaesthetics. International scheduling must take control into account medical access to the drug if it goes ahead, as any international control will potentially hinder access. My delegation recommends that the vote on ketamine be deferred for one year to properly analyse the situation and consider all sides.
We acknowledge the collaboration of our international partners with helping combat the drug trade via technical assistance.