Chair: Invites the Commission to adopt the draft agenda.
Agenda Item 1. Preparations for CND Reconvened
Chair: The annotated agenda is available here. The meeting will take place under General Assembly seating arrangements. The Division of Treaty Affairs of UNODC will be presenting to the Commission. Presentations from the floor should be of maximum 7 minutes, for regional groups; and 5 minutes, if talking on a national capacity.
Agenda Item 2. Preparations for joint meetings CND & CCPCJ
Chair: To take place this Thursday. Including a discussion on strategic management and budgetary concerns. The Commission will consider also concerns of staff composition, including gender balance and geographic representation within the Commission and UNODC. A preparatory report is available for missions. With regards to FINGOV, mandate to end on the first half of 2017. The CND and CCPCJ are expected to carry out a thorough review of the functioning of the working group and consider its continuation.
Agenda Item 3. Preparations for CND…
Formal action on consolidated budget and consider other items on the agenda as well as outstanding matters. The WHO is invited to make recommendations about substance scheduling. The WHO will present the findings of the recent ECDD.
Agenda Item 4. Preparations of the report of the Reconvened session
Chair: The Rapporteur of the 59th Session will be in charge of it together with the Chair. A reminder of the composition of the 60th Session’s Board follows:
- Chair (WEOG): Bente Angell-Hansen, Norway.
- First Vice Chair (GRULAC): Alicia Buenrostro, Mexico
- Second Vice Chair (Africa): (TBC)
- Third Vice Chair (Asia-Pacific): Reza Najafi, Iran.
- Rapporteur (Eastern Europe and Central Asia): (TBC)
Nigeria: the Africa Group is still on consultations and the name will be communicated in due course.
Slovakia: Will also inform in due course.
Chair: Names should be communicated by Friday.
Agenda Item 5. Preparations of the 60th Session
Chair: A five-day session to be held between Monday 13 to Friday 17. Its Reconvened session is tentatively set to 7 – 8 December 2017. Final dates will be determined in the framework of actions to take as follow-up to the UNGASS. Given the anniversary quality of the 60th session, it is expected for High-level Minister-rank speakers to attend. We agree to allow them to speak at the opening of the Session. It has been suggested that a maximum of 10 minutes is allowed for Chairs of regional groups to speak, and 5 minutes to other speakers, including high-level speakers. The Commission needs to decide at its 59th reconvened session how to proceed with agenda item on the 60th Session Agenda. It has been proposed that agenda item 4 (roundtable discussions) is subsumed under agenda item 6 (follow-up UNGASS); and so the item is named “Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem, including discussions on the 7 thematic areas”. The extended bureau also recommends a second round of thematic discussions from 23 – 25 January 2017.
United Kingdom: Suggests that the Bureau considers whether to have a whole day scheduled for the intersessional meeting preceding the Reconvened session is necessary, especially taking into account civil society members have travelled to attend. The information is important, but the format could be reconsidered.
India: Suggests ministers get an allocated timeslot of 7-10 minutes, instead of 5 minutes.
Chair: This should be suggested at the Reconvened. But it is expected that a high number of ministers attend, which should be considered.
Secretary: The intersessional before the Reconvened is a tradition that allows for unfinished business to be addressed. It is difficult to know in advance if there will be items to consider. But the realisation of the meeting remains the prerogative of member states.