The delegate of Portugal spoke to fully endorse the EU statement and said:
“The UNGASS review process shows that the 1998 targets have clearly not been achieved albeit some progress in some regions. Unfortunately achievements in the area of drug demand reduction have been limited and require strong commitments. In line with EU drug strategy 2005 – 2012 and EU action plan, the Portuguese policy on drugs follows multidisciplinary and balanced approach. Drug demand reduction programmes are integrated and we work to reduce the adverse health and social consequences of drug use. Cannabis continues to be the most commonly used drug in Portugal. Heroin remains the most related to drug related health consequences. We suggest effective responses at treatment and harm reduction level with a decline in disease. The availability of social programmes continues to increase. Needle and syringe exchange, substitution treatment and outreach work led to a decrease in intravenous drug use and Intravenous drug injecting taking place in better sanitary conditions – these protect drug users and society as a whole. The effectiveness of harm reduction measures have been confirmed by WHO and UNAIDS.”
“Taking this into account Portugal is very disappointed that the political declaration fails to recognise that harm reduction is an instrumental aspect of demand reduction. The political declaration, however, we will adopt, but we hope that as new challenges emerge new action plans should be adopted in keeping with the challenges”