WDP persists despite all efforts since 2009. This review timely. Define progress and achievements as well as challenges.
1. Govt. of INd has strengthened legislative framework. 2009 legislation addresses supply and demand in more balanced way. Stronger enforcement to drug traffickers. Drug users undergo treatment as alternative to incarceration. Two pronged advantage. Respects fundamental rights of drug users. Nationwide solution to prison overcrowding. Better control export and import of narcotics and precursors. Improvement in measures to monitor non-scheduled substances.
2. Early Interventions and post-rehab. Designed not only to cure addiction to provide with life skills necessary for reintegration into society. SInce 2009 drug treatment has grown significantly. Variety of treatment programs tailored to different users. GOvernment and NGO based. Year of 2014 year to save drug abusers. Robust demand reduction measures to save abusers from incarceration for treatment and rehab. National Narcotic Board and private sector have joined forces to create national post-rehab projects. Conserve wildlife and fisheries and agriculture based programs. Tamblin area.
3. Requires international cooperation through law enforcement cooperation to deter criminal syndicates and drug traffickers. Countering money laundering. Law #8 in 2010. Broadened scope of reporting. Transport and nature of crime. Indonesian intelligence MOA with intelligence units around the world. Challenges persist. Much criminality rampant at global level. Rule of law and accountability — veiled reference to death penalty. Effect of drug abuse on health and public safety demand profound national and international methods.
Robust international cooperation needed. International community must provide technical assistance to member states.
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