Introduction Mr. Fedotov thanks Michel Perron and the VNGOC for their work in organising this event. Mr. Fedotov admires the work done by NGOs in many countries to help UNODC implement their mandate. He thanks all NGOs for their support now and for the future. NGOs are welcome to come to UNODC. World Federation Against …
From Civil Society Hearings and Informal Dialogues
NGO dialogue with the INCB: Mr Raymond Yans
The dialogue begins with a defensive statement about the INCB’s position within the drug control regime. This is followed by a personal defence on the individual members of the INCB… Essentially that they “are unpaid, retired professionals chosen because of their knowledge.” This was followed by a description of the role of the INCB – …
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 4 and conclusions
How can NGOs most effectively contribute to the high-level review of the Political Declaration and its Plan of Action at the 57th Session of the CND? Kirsti Pojankukka, Finland We are not yet started on negotiating wording of political declaration and that will affect how the review will take place. What do we think we …
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 3
How can we create conditions to optimise effective implementation in cooperation with NGOs? Carmen Masias, DEVIDA, Peru NGO movements were born in the 1960s to respond to a number of issues, including human rights violations. I started to work for an NGO for years, and then since last year I have started working at the …
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 2
Panel 2. When is it ‘appropriate’ for affected populations and civil society entities to play a participatory role in the formulation and implementation of drug policy? The objective of this session was to define the “were appropriate” from the Political Declaration. Sandeep Chawla, UNODC This question is part of the bureaucracy of the process. In …
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 1
Panel 1. How NGOs are contributing to the Political Declaration and Plan of Action Introduction: Michel Perron We asked members to share about 2 things they do to implement that plan of action, to demonstrate how valuable they are as ‘assets’ which is even more important in age of economic austerity where government is more …