Organised by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, alongside the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs, Czechia, Ireland, Poland, Spain, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the European Union, the European Union Drugs Agency and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs With the rise of authoritarian regimes and far-right governments, the adoption …
From Side Events
Side event – Drug use, harm reduction and the right to health
Organised by: International Drug Policy Consortium, with the support of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, Brazil, Colombia, Czechia, Ghana, Switzerland, Uruguay, the European Union, the African Network of People Who Use Drugs, Elementa DD.HH., Fiocruz, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, …
Side event – Breaking the Impunity Cycle: Improving Efforts to Ensure Human Rights Compliance in Drug Policies
Organised by: Amnesty International with the support of Brazil, Colombia, Czechia, Switzerland, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Di-Sentir AC, the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the International Harm Reduction Association and the NoBox Transitions Foundation Daniel Joloy, Amnesty International. We know …
Side event: Coca leaf in the UN treaty system (in Spanish)
Pien Metaal, TNI. Aquí estamos con un panel para compartir conclusiones de reuniones y diálogos que TNI y otras organizaciones han organizado en Colombia, Perú y Bolivia. El tema de la hoja de coca es clave. La historia es alucinante que la hoja de coca sea considerada como un peligro para la salud. Organizamos consultas …
Side event: Shaping the future: Preparedness for a changing drug landscape
Mr Carl Hallergard, EU Ambassador to the International Organisations in Vienna. Welcome to this side event. Today, we wanted to present to you the pledges for action we all made last year. The EUDA has said it: drugs are everywhere, there’s everything, and it affects everyone. Gangs are recruiting young people in their business. The …
67th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (#CND67) – CND Blog Index

Below, the CND Blog offers an Index of the 100+ hours of real-time non-literal blogging material captured during the 67th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Please note the timings are mostly based on the official Programme, and may not perfectly coincide with the timings of the actual proceedings. INDEX Plenary Committee of the Whole Side …