Organised by the Netherlands with the support of Canada, Czechia, New Zealand, Portugal, Switzerland, the United States, the European Union, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the New Zealand Drug Foundation and Safer Drug Policies Norway Moderator: Victor Sannes. Let me thank the cosponsors of our side event. Mr. Daan van der Gouwe, drugs researcher …
Association for Safer Drug Policies
Informal dialogue: UNODC Executive Director
Jamie Bridge, Chair, VNGOC: I’m Jamie bridge. I’m the chair of the Vienna NGO committee on drugs and we’re really grateful to Ms Ghada Waly and to other senior colleagues from UNODC for joining us today and for giving us this opportunity. These informal dialogues have been a regular part of the CND proceedings now …
Side event: Drug policy: Saving public costs
Organised by the Governments of Estonia and Lithuania, the Association for Safer Drug Policies, and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association Eliza Kurcevic, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association. What costs more? Criminalisation (prisons) or social and health services (different treatment programmes, prevention, employment benefits, social security services, etc.)? You can use the link here to vote. Here is …