Initial draft of the resolution can be found here. Mexico: Take into account general concerns regarding the need to ensure specific negotiations on the operative resolutions, we will not make reference to the outcome document. Prepared to take out references. Start our discussion with the OPs. Then revert to the PPs. OP 1: Mexico: Replace …
Resolution L11. Promoting prevention strategies and policies aimed at improving public health and social well-being
E/CN.7/2016/L.11 Egypt: Like to thank our Peru for tabling this resolution. We’d like to insert “safety” before public health in the title of the resolution. PP1 Russia: Does the title of the resolution link with its text? Why are conventions on crime mentioned in PP1? Peru: We feel there is an implicit link between crime …
Resolution L3. Promoting cooperation with the scientific community, including academia, in the development of effective drug control policies
E/CN.7/2016/L.3 Egypt: When we say “promoting informal networking within the scientific community” what are we aiming at? Russia: The aim is to promote the use of science in drug policy. Egypt: We can go along with that. PP1 Egypt: Change to “to drug demand reduction and supply reduction”. This is the language used in the 2009 Political …
Resolution L5. Development and dissemination of the International Standards of Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
Mexico: L8. Working actively to finalise this resolution. Germany: L.10. There will be another informal from 1pm – 3pm. So we will present it to the CoW this afternoon. Australia: L.13. We’re making excellent progress, and it should be ready this afternoon. Chair: Let’s go through L.5. now, picking up where we left off yesterday. …
Committee of the Whole: E/CN.7/2016/L.2-L.5, L.10, L.11, L.8
Chair: Merging of the three NPS resolutions into L13. Currently in the process of being translated. Informals started this morning. We will likely have it introduced this afternoon. L2 making good progress. Will be able to discuss it this afternoon or even this morning. Greece: We provided a draft with no track changes. Tried to …
UNGASS special segment, third meeting
El Salvador: Thanks board. CND is a path to UNGASS and an important opportunity. Current conventions and commitments are the reference point, but must be flexible. The main pillar of our policy decisions is the three conventions. The socioeconomic element is an important part of our agenda on the road to UNGASS. The sustainable development …