Rokas Bernotas, Ambassador of Lithuania. Remind that UNGASS outcome document states that agenda 200 is complementary to addressing the world drug problem. Demand reduction, respect for human rights, support treatment and recovery, need to involve civil society. Supply side responses affect poor communities the most. Importance for alternative development solutions for Afghanistan, mostly semi-arid, alternative …
Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI)
Side event: Harm reduction in a changing global context
Louise Van Deth, AIDS Fonds. I’m proud to chair this all women panel. The Dutch elections were followed closely by the whole world, it stopped the trend of disasters in elections. Since we are also a small group, I’d also like to invite you, when you have questions and comments, to state your name and say …
Side event: South East Asia: Prospects for humane and effective drug policies
Organised by the International Drug Policy Consortium, NoBox Transitions Foundation, SCDI Vietnam and Rumah Cemara. Ann Fordham, IDPC: You probably hear a lot of news about the situation in South East Asia at the moment, particularly in the Philippines and the use of extrajudicial killings and the so-called voluntary surrenders of people who use drugs. …
Side Event: Promoting health, human rights and development through a harm reduction approach
Side event organised by the Netherlands, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, UNAIDS, the African Union Commission and AIDS Fonds. Martin van Rijn (Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport for the Netherlands) In November we established the EU position for 2016, including a broad range of issues such as the abolishment of the death penalty and access …