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Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation

Informal Civil Society Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director

Informal Civil Society Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director 20 March 2024, 11am – 12 pm, Room: CR-3 Matej Kosir (Chair, VNGOC): Welcome. Question 1: Encouraged by CND resolution 65/4 of 2023 “Promoting comprehensive, evidence-based early prevention” and 2024 Global Initiative on Drug Use Prevention “the Declaration of Oviedo” signed by some 400 civil society organizations, …

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Side Event: From synthetic drug threats to synthetic drug realities: Examining the role of global drug policies and charting a way forward

FROM SYNTHETIC DRUG THREATS TO SYNTHETIC DRUG REALITIES: EXAMINING THE ROLE OF GLOBAL DRUG POLICIES AND CHARTING A WAY FORWARD Organized by the Washington Office on Latin America with the support of the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs, the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Drug Policy Alliance, …

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