Amb. Adam Namm, CICAD/OAS: (…) Roberto Moro, SEDRONAR: We welcome the report Secretary Namm just mentioned. We’re building policies based on evidence allowing us to make policy decisions adapted to our countries. Working beyond UNGASS, these guidelines should continue help us develop and build strategies. It’s a complex work if we take into account all recommendations, …
Colectivo de Estudios Drogas y Derechos (CEDD)
Drug policy innovations in Latin America
Event organised by IDPC, TNI, WOLA and CEDD Ann Fordham, Introduction.This event is hosted by IDPC, CEDD, TNI, WOLA.Latin America has been at the forefront of the collateral damage created by the war on drugs. What we are seeing now is a series of seating presidents calling for an open debate on drug control. Here …