Organized by Equis Justicia Para Las Mujeres A.C., the International Drug Policy Consortium, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Leigh Toomey, Vice Chair, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: (Intro) Annette Verster, World Health Organization: Health and welfare of humankind are the fundamental underpinnings of the Conventions. This is very important …
Conectas Human Rights
Side event: An analysis of drug policy from incarceration and lethality against the black population in the world
Dudu Ribeiro, Initiative Negra for a New Drug Policy. We cannot address race if we cannot talk about race. Yesterday, there was a debate on the resolution L13 around race and it was blocked in the CoW. In Sao Paulo, we had a good harm reduction programme called De Bracos Abertos, it provided support to poor people, drug …