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Side event: Cannabis law reform in the Americas: Regulation gains momentum

Organized by the Governments of Mexico and Uruguay, the Washington Office on Latin America, Center of Studies for Law, Justice and Society, Intercambios Asociación Civil, México Unido Contra la Delincuencia, Research Consortium on Drugs and the Law, and the Transnational Institute. Isabel Pereira, DeJusticia: Will discuss cannabis law reform and how it is moving forward …

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Side event: From abstract principles to concrete guidance: International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy

Organized by the Governments of Canada, Germany, Mexico and Switzerland, UNAIDS and the World Health Organization. The International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy can be accessed online here. H.E. Ambassador Claude Wild, Switzerland: Celebration of a milestone. Today we launch the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy. Fruitful collaboration between International …

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Side event: Ensuring more proportionate, humane and effective approaches to drug policy

Nathalie Peter, Uruguay. Today, we focus on the importance of ensuring more humane and proportionate drug policies. Prison overcrowding and human rights violations have been a direct result of disproportionate penalties. In this event we provide an overview of the concept of proportionality, offer best practice examples and recommendations for reform. Gloria Lai, IDPC. I will speak …

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Side Event: Resolving the Global Crisis of Untreated Pain by Improving Access to Controlled Medicines within the Framework of the SDGs

Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO: Emphasize that access to essential medicines is a fundamental pillar. Not nearly enough focus has been paid to access to essential medicines. One of the most important medicines, morphine, is emblematic of the fight to ensure access of medicines. Considered the gold standard for pain relief, yet more than 5 billion people …

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