VNGOC: Welcome INCB president: We are committed to our continued dialogue. In the last 2 years, we engage with NGOs in the board’s session. The important role of CSOs is respectful of human rights and evidence base. CSOs are often the primary or main providers of services – we appreciate your work. Harm Reduction Australia: …
Drug Free Australia
Informal Dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director
VNGOC: Ms. Waly could not make it. Jean Luc Lemahieu – UNODC: I had the fortune to be working as and working with civil society in my career. I welcome the fact that some 90 NGOs are attending CND and most of side vents are organized by you or with you. Civil society participation is …
Informal dialogue with UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov
Yury Fedotov, UNODC. I welcome the work of the VNGOC and the CSTF. You have done useful preparations for the UNGASS. This dialogue is a useful tradition. The voice of NGOs is important. Active participation of NGOs, CSO representatives for an inclusive UNGASS preparatory process is important. 35 side events are organised by NGOs and …