Chair: We must involve civil society. We can’t do it alone. The problem effects individuals, groups and practically everyone in society. In all our countries, I could say, civil society is working more vibrantly than the governments. I am looking forward to a candid discussion today. Secretariat: Hello. We appreciate the relationship we were able …
EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs
Side event: The EU Common Position on the UNGASS
Side event organised by the European Union HE Mr. Didier Lenoir – We see the UNGASS as an important opportunity to address the world drug problem, assess what works and what doesn’t, and offer recommendations to address the problem. The UN is obviously a key forum to address the issue as the drugs issue is a …
3rd Informal Civil Society Hearing – Discussion: How do the UN drug conventions accommodate a health-based approach?
This session focused on how the UN drug conventions accommodate a health-based approach, and was chaired by Graciela Touze, Intercambios and rogers Kasirye, Uganda Youth Development Link. Paul Rompani, Executive Director of Mentor International. My organisation works to prevent drug use and substance abuse in particular among young people. Prevention is one of the main …