[First half missing] Andrew Gordon, Ministry of National Security, Trinidad and Tobago: Most drugs found within our territories are externally produced. The Caribbean is interested in repeating seminars on trafficking for law enforcement. Would like to tackle precursor chemicals and NPS, but concerned statistics on use and misuse to synthetic drugs are scarce. Javier Andres …
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
Side event: Public health as a basis for drug policy in Portugal
Side event organised by Portugal Pedro Moitinho de Almeida Permanent Representative of Portugal. The Portuguese case no longer an experience, a success. Portugal is fully committed to the UNGASS. Drugs ranked at top of concern of Portuguese society in the last decade. It is now no longer the case because of the policies now implemented. …
Side event: The EU Common Position on the UNGASS
Side event organised by the European Union HE Mr. Didier Lenoir – We see the UNGASS as an important opportunity to address the world drug problem, assess what works and what doesn’t, and offer recommendations to address the problem. The UN is obviously a key forum to address the issue as the drugs issue is a …
Developing a comprehensive response to the challenge of drug-impaired driving
Organized by the Government of the United States of America, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and the New Zealand Drug Foundation. Richard Baum , ONDCP, US This is an important issue because it is a factor that affects people’ve lives in many ways. We’re all …
The public health approach: Prevention, treatment, risk and harm reduction, recovery, social reintegration and rehabilitation
Chair: Marije Beens. National drug coordinator of Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport of the Netherland Franz Tratmann, Trimbos Institute Evidence based and best practices are the two keys to improve the quality of intervention. Stablishing effectiveness of investments. You have to translate the clinical evidence into best practices, taking into account cultural values, and personal …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 2 – Interactive Discussion (b) on Supply Reduction and Related Measures
Part (i) Domestic, regional and cross-regional responses to drugs-related crime countering money-laundering including, where appropriate, in the connection with the financing of terrorism, promoting judicial cooperation in criminal matters (ii) Addressing emerging issues including new psychoactive substances, precursors and the misuse of the Internet The chairs of the interactive discussions will prepare summaries on the …