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Fields of Green for All

Informal Civil Society Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director

Informal Civil Society Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director 20 March 2024, 11am – 12 pm, Room: CR-3 Matej Kosir (Chair, VNGOC): Welcome. Question 1: Encouraged by CND resolution 65/4 of 2023 “Promoting comprehensive, evidence-based early prevention” and 2024 Global Initiative on Drug Use Prevention “the Declaration of Oviedo” signed by some 400 civil society organizations, …

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Informal Civil Society Dialogue with the INCB President

No Borders Humanity Organization (NBH): How is the INCB addressing challenges in ensuring equitable access to controlled substances for medical purposes while preventing diversion and misuse? Southeast Asia Harm Reduction Association (AHRA): Considering the proliferation of heroin and ATS substances, increasing drug use and dependency, and concerns about unintended consequences of drug policies in Southeast …

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Side Event. Cannabis law reform: Leading the way towards more effective drug control and the attainment of the sustainable development goals

Organized by the Fields of Green for ALL (non-profit company) with the support of the Veterans Action Council, Virginians Against Drug Violence, Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, FAAAT.net, the Umzimvubu Farmer’s Support Network, the South African Drug Policy Initiative, the South African Network of People who Use Drugs, the Cannabis Community Council and Doctors for …

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