Webcast available here CND Chair. There is no comment on the agenda of this meeting so the agenda is adopted. I give word now to the Portuguese Ambassador to chair the thematic discussion. We will continue with agendas 2 and 3 on Wednesday. I came back yesterday from New York. The key theme was how …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 28 October: Alternative development; regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented balanced drug control policy; addressing socio-economic issues
Post-UNGASS Facilitator. Before we start, I want to give word to the Secretariat to deal with the issues of yesterday’s afternoon session. CND Secretary. Thank you, let me give you an opportunity to make an appendix to yesterday’s session. You will recall that there is a specific reference in Chapter 6 to the work of …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 27 October 2016: Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility
Post-UNGASS facilitator: We will now start discussion chapter 6, on common and shared responsibility. There are several panellists from UNODC, it makes perfect sense to have the different regional sections from UNODC present all one after the other, and then member states and then NGOS. Yuri Fedotov, executive director of UNODC: very happy to be back at the …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 27 October 2016: Evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances and threats, including NPS
CND Chair. For a more efficient use of time, let’s start with agenda items 2 and 3, and will then give word to Ambassador Pedro Moitinha, Post-UNGASS Chair. Agenda item 2 – Arrangements for the reconvened and 60th CND. On the 59th Reconvened, we decided to hold an extra day on UNGASS on 30th November …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 11 October: Operational recommendations on crosscutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities
Chair: International Centre Human Rights and Drug Policy can fit in the chapter to be discussed now, so it will be shown during this thematic discussion. We now focus on crosscutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities. The OHCHR is represented in the room and it’s a pleasure. Valerie Lebeaux, Justice Section, UNODC: …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 10 October: Operational recommendations on Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as other health-related issues
CND Chair: I propose that we tackle the more logistical agenda items 2 and 3 first, before moving onto the thematic discussions (agenda item 1). Agenda item 2 – plans for the reconvened 59th CND (December) and the 60th CND (March). New nominees have been put forward for 2nd Vice-Chair (Brazil) and 3rd Vice-Chair (Nigeria). …