Organized by the Governments of the Bahamas, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission/Organization of American States, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section and the UNODC Justice Section. Chaired by Adam Namm, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD). Trinidad and Tobago (Chief Magistrate): Our country …
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)
Side event: Towards a new international drug strategy: Implementing the recommendations of UNGASS 2016
Miguel Ruiz Camanas, Vice-Minister of Multilateral Affairs. The purpose of this panel is to discuss how we can reshape international drug control and implement the implementations of the UNGASS. In Mexico, we believe that international drug policy has not been straight forward. Since the adoption of the Single Convention in 1961, the evolving reality of the …
Side event: The OAS report on drug control: A tool for the debate
In 2012, Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala called for a debate on drug control in the AMericas. As a result, a study was conducted by the OAS. In June 2013, the report was presented at the OAS General Assembly. The report includes invaluable data on drugs and production, trafficking and consumption, and also includes a series …