Organisers: Brookings Institution, the Netherlands, IDPC Project overview – Harold Trinkunas, Senior Fellow and Co-director of Improving Global Drug Policy: Comparative Perspectives & UNGASS 2016 at The Brookings Institution This project arose with view to informing policy debates at UNGASS 2016 and beyond. Interesting time to engage because for the first time there was a …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Panel Discussion on the World Drug Problem – 30th Regular Session – Human Rights Council
A summary of the panel, produced by the United Nations Information Service in Geneva, can be accessed here. A full recording is available at UN Web TV. Opening Statement Flavia Pansieri, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (Statement) Panel Moderator and the Panellists Ruth Dreifuss, former President of the Swiss Confederation and member of the Global Commission on Drug …
CND Intersessional – 24th of September 2015
Chair of CND, Ambassador Srisamoot, opens the discussion. Amb. Srisamoot: Welcomes everyone back to the 5th meeting of the year. Proposes that Agenda item 2 is discussed – preparations for The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) 2016, before dealing with other considerations. Hands over to Chair of the CND UNGASS Board (Amb. …
Launch of the e-Book of Authorities
Organized by IDPC, TNI and HRI. UNODC – Welcome. UNODC organized a series of regional dialogues this year with the idea to identify best practices. The Book of Authorities can be very useful to feed into these dialogues. Shows how civil society contributes to and supports the work of countries, including the UN. Good …
Drug policy innovations in Latin America

Event organised by IDPC, TNI, WOLA and CEDD Ann Fordham, Introduction.This event is hosted by IDPC, CEDD, TNI, WOLA.Latin America has been at the forefront of the collateral damage created by the war on drugs. What we are seeing now is a series of seating presidents calling for an open debate on drug control. Here …
Meeting of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
1. Adoption of the draft agenda Elisa Rubini, Vicechair of the VNGOC The first point of the agenda is the adoption of the draft agenda. Any feedback? Scott Bernstein, OSF I move to adopt the agenda. Elisa Rubini The agenda is adopted. 2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting Elisa Rubini Do the …