Organized by the Law Enforcement Action Partnership and the Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health. Ron Hogg – Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner, Durham, England Prohibition simply does not work. Harm caused by illicit drugs has increased, violence associated with drugs market increased. UK government researched approach to drugs – found no correlation between …
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
Informal dialogue with UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov
Yury Fedotov, UNODC. I welcome the work of the VNGOC and the CSTF. You have done useful preparations for the UNGASS. This dialogue is a useful tradition. The voice of NGOs is important. Active participation of NGOs, CSO representatives for an inclusive UNGASS preparatory process is important. 35 side events are organised by NGOs and …
Overdose deaths – An easy solution to prevent so many deaths
Event organised by the International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network Elizabeth Saenz, UNODC. In the USA there is an increasing concern about deaths by overdose. Although men are still dying from overdoses, there is a sharp increase in women dying from overdose in recent years. Overdose deaths are …
Meeting of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
1. Adoption of the draft agenda Elisa Rubini, Vicechair of the VNGOC The first point of the agenda is the adoption of the draft agenda. Any feedback? Scott Bernstein, OSF I move to adopt the agenda. Elisa Rubini The agenda is adopted. 2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting Elisa Rubini Do the …
A better tomorrow for the world’s youth? Evidence to take children’s rights, welfare and well-being forward
Organized by UNICEF and Open Society Foundations. Damon Barrett I’ve been working on drug control and the rights of the child for 8 year, with a particular focus on the UN convention concerning the latter. The convention on the rights of the child comes up a lot in discussions, but I don’t think it’s done …
The Impact of UN Drug Control Systems on the Mandates of other UN Bodies
Organized by the United Nations Development Programme, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNAIDS. Michel Kazatchkine I’ve been hearing many voices calling for an open debate on the drug problem at the UNGASS next year. I would hope that this discussion starts and results in an assessment of whether our drug …