Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
NGO Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director, Yuri Fedotov
Introduction Mr. Fedotov thanks Michel Perron and the VNGOC for their work in organising this event. Mr. Fedotov admires the work done by NGOs in many countries to help UNODC implement their mandate. He thanks all NGOs for their support now and for the future. NGOs are welcome to come to UNODC. World Federation Against …
NGO dialogue with the INCB: Mr Raymond Yans
The dialogue begins with a defensive statement about the INCB’s position within the drug control regime. This is followed by a personal defence on the individual members of the INCB… Essentially that they “are unpaid, retired professionals chosen because of their knowledge.” This was followed by a description of the role of the INCB – …