Organized by Law Enforcement Action Partnership UK and Law Enforcement Action Partnership US James Nicholls, Transform Drug Policy Foundation Police Diversion Schemes in the UK Context: 43 forces; 7 with existing diversion schemes. 135,000 simple possession arrests in the UK in 2019. Reduced police resources. Increased incidences of more serious violent crime (including drug-related). Introduction …
Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)
HRC side event – Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD project)
Ian Goodhew: Deputy chief of staff – kings county prosecuting attorney’s office Innovative project made up of a number of organisations including the Seattle Police department, the prosecutors office, the defender association (public defence agency), ACLU, department of corrections, sheriff’s office. LEAD gives police on the street a choice when arresting low level offenders about diverting them into treatment. It …