Chiara Sangiorgio. Amnesty International. Several organisations have highlighted alarming increases in the use of the death penalty for drug offences. H.E. Martin Van Rijn, Minister for Health, Netherlands. We constantly speak out for the protection of human rights. Death penalty is far too common worldwide. It is cruel punishment. The Netherlands supports organisations seeking to eliminate the death …
Resolution L2: Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)
Link to the Initial draft version of the resolution can be found here. Chair: Good morning. Where we stand on different resolutions, it is clear a lot of good work has happened last night and this morning. It is my intention to start with L2. Let me say at first, that everything that has been …
Update on resolutions at the CoW on Monday 21st March
Chair: Where do we stand on the other open resolutions? Netherlands: Regarding L2 (on proportionality), we had extensive talks with China, and there was an agreement which we hope will work for other delegations as well. China: We do have a package deal for the open paragraphs. More informals tomorrow morning – 9am tomorrow, MOE03. Peru: …
Resolution L13. Promotion of measures, including voluntary cooperation and timely and effective legislative, regulatory, and administrative responses to target new psychoactive substances, amphetamine-type stimulants and precursors
Australia: We have worked in informals and found compromise on some of the paragraphs. These include preambular paragraphs that acknowledge that ketamine is a WHO essential medicine, and recalls resolution 57/10 on ketamine trafficking. So open the floor for comments on these. China: Add “trafficking” and “assess the extent of this problem at the national, …
Resolution L2. Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)
Netherlands. We had informal informals with interested delegations and a solution was found for almost all outstanding issues. I ask the UK and Italian delegations to present the conclusions on behalf of the EU. Preliminary paragraph 4 Italy. We had intensive discussions, with the most concerned delegations, in particular Vietnam and China. I will introduce amendments agreed. …
Resolution L2. Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)
EU. We have had 4 informals this morning, we went through most PPs and OPs, but there is no agreement on 3 PPs and 2 OPs, although maybe OP4 in its alternative form was almost agreed. So we thought it would be good to have the CoW look at it as there were only a few …