Organized by the RIO Rusmisbrukernes Interesseorganisasjon with the support of Norway, the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Community Addictions Peer Support Association, Dianova International and the Association for Humane Drug Policies Tuesday 14th March,2023 9:10am-10:00am Mr. Kenneth Arctander (RIO Rusmisbrukernes Interesseorganisasjon): …
Side event. Ensuring human rights protection in Nordic drug policy
Organised by the Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk with the support of Iceland, Norway, Denmark, the International Drug Policy Consortium and RIO. Marie Nougier, International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC): Good morning everyone, thank you for joining us for this side event on Nordic drug policies, which is being organised by the Norwegian Association for Humane Drug …