Side Event: Measuring drug policy outcomes: Intersections with human rights and the sustainable development goals Organised by the Government of Switzerland, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Global Drug Policy Observatory of Swansea University, Centro de Estudios Legales …
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
Side event: Drug courts in the Americas
Coletta Youngers, WOLA. Please check out our report on drug courts available on the SSRC website. There has been an expansion of drug courts beyond the USA but there are key issues related to the extension of the model in the Americas. Rebecca Schleifer, UNDP consultant. There is an emerging international consensus that drug use should be …
Side event: Preparing for 2019: Drug policy objectives and indicators, system-wide coherence and the Sustainable Development Agenda
Renata Segura, SSRC. I thank the organisers and Switzerland for their continued support. Christian Schneider, Switzerland. I will discuss the state perspective on policy metrics. I don’t represent the official Swiss position here, I am contributing to the World Drug Report and Part IV on law enforcement indicators. I am also a consumer of UNODC’s products so …
Side event: Alternatives to incarceration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Side event organised by the Washington Office on Latin America, the International Drug Policy Consortium, Dejusticia, the Social Science Research Council, and Colectivo de Estudios Drogas y Derechos Sergio Chaparro, DeJusticia. I want to thank the organisers of the event, especially SSRC. I want to highlight 3 facts from our report ‘Irrational punishment: Drug laws and …