Organized by Amnesty International with the support of the International Drug Policy Consortium, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat, IDUCARE and the Thailand Institute of Justice. Watch the video recording here. Gloria Lai, International Drug Policy Consortium: Hi everyone. Welcome to the side event at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. This side event is on ‘Drug-related …
Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ)
Side event: Drug Trafficking through gender lenses: Women’s involvement and impact on their lives
Angela Me, UNODC: What we want to discuss with you today is to see whether this neutral approach is still valid. There are differences between women and men and particularly if women had certain roles in drug trafficking in general. So we have a panel that we have divided into two; one to present some …
Shifting the Needle: The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women
Organised by Penal Reform International, CELS, Dejusticia, International Drug Policy Consortium, Thailand Institute of Justice and Washington Office on Latin America Recording in English Recording in Spanish Penal Reform International (Moderator: Triona Lenihan, Policy and International Advocacy Manager): Welcome. Today’s event is being recorded, and there will be English-Spanish interpretation. We will also be sharing …
Side event: Women, drug policy and incarceration in Southeast Asia
Jane Holloway, Thailand Institute of Justice. The purpose of the event is to share research and findings on women incarcerated in Asia. We also explore promising reforms on gender policy, guided by research and UN international standards. Jeremy Douglas, UNODC representative in the Asia Pacific. We are rolling out the Bangkok Rules through our regional office. My …
Special event: Human security and the tule of law: Alternative development’s contribution to the 2030 Agenda
Organized by the Governments of Colombia, Germany, Peru and Thailand, and the Thailand Institute of Justice. Chaired by HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of Thailand. Yury Fedotov, UNODC: In order to achieve the SDGs, the international community must address drug challenges. Drug control efforts and efforts towards SDGs are complementary. The UNGASS outcome document confirms support …
Side event: Contribution of alternative development to implementing the sustainable development goals
HE General Paiboon Koomchaya, Minister of Justice of Thailand. I welcome all our high level participants. We place high priority to push forward alternative development in addressing the world drug problem to address the root causes such as poverty via public health, education and social security. AD was recognised as a cash crop substitution programme. Now …