Amb. Sirisamoot, Chair: the Royal Thai Government in 2015 posted a second statement in the interest of implementing the conventions. The conference came up with a set of operational recommendations. I have the pleasure to chair this conference, and would like to draw your attention to one of the key recommendations. Namely that good governance …
Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ)
Side event: The way towards drug policy reform: Regional perspectives from Southeast Asia and Latin America
Event organised by the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Thailand Institute of Justice, Penal Reform International, the Thailand Mission in Vienna and the Costa Rica Mission in Vienna. Ambassador of Thailand in Vienna There are now high rates of imprisonment for drug offences in several regions of the world, giving rise to the need to …
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 3
How can we create conditions to optimise effective implementation in cooperation with NGOs? Carmen Masias, DEVIDA, Peru NGO movements were born in the 1960s to respond to a number of issues, including human rights violations. I started to work for an NGO for years, and then since last year I have started working at the …