Organized by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the UNODC Justice Section and the Italian Red Cross in partnership with Villa Maraini Foundation. Wolfgang Kopetzky, Former secretary general of Austrian Red Cross This is an extremely relevant and urgent topic. Over the past decade treatment and alternatives to imprisonment have received …
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
UNGASS Special Segment Day 4 – Interactive Discussion Alternative development; regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented, balanced drug control policy; addressing socioeconomic issues
UNODC Introduction. The UNGASS provides a unique opportunity to assess what work and what doesn’t when addressing the drug problem, including in the area of alternative development. Member states clearly view alternative development as a vital pillar of any strategy. One major challenge is that starting in 2009, official development assistance for alternative development has decreased, …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 3 – Interactive discussion on Cross-cutting issues: New challenges, threats and realities in preventing and addressing the world drug problem in compliance with relevant international law
UNODC Introduction – New challenges have emerged in recent years related to new harmful substances and new trafficking route, and new trafficking modus operandi. Successes can be claimed in terms of reduced illicit cultivation and improved treatment services. But, challenges remain in ensuring the right balance in reduction of both demand and supply. Some of the challenges …
Resource tracking: A critical tool for advocacy to increase harm reduction investments
Chair Aldo Lale Demoz With the current data on harm redution, Con las estadisticas actuales de acceso a reduccion de dannos no estamos yendo muy lejos. Monica Beg, UNODC We organised in Viena a scientific consultation. The presentations and discussions were in consultation with civil society organisations and around seven topics (treatment, HIV drugs and …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 3 – Interactive discussion on cross-cutting issues: drugs and human rights, youth, women, children and communities
UNODC. Introductory statement. Agenda item 4c relates to the health and human rights, focusing on the need of women, children and youth, who are affected in many ways by drugs and their consequences. UNODC has drawn several conclusions: drug use disorders and their health complications such as HIV, HCV and overdoses are public health issues …
Informal NGO dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director
Esbjorn Hornberg, Chair of VNGOC For the first time in many years, the director of the UNODC is not able to be present here. But, we have questions coming into us and we will proceed with that. Also, we have the deputy director of the UNODC here, among others. Elisa Rubini, VNGOC I’ll start with …