Chair. This will include health, HIV, access to essential medicines. The format will include introductory remarks from the chair, as well as 7 minutes presentations from each panellist. Mr. Gilberto Gerra, UNODC. Introductory statement. First question to launch the debate – is it really accepted that young people, people affected by drug use disorder, people …
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Harm Reduction – A Global Response
Organized by the Governments of the Netherlands and Indonesia. Aldo Lale-Demoz (UNODC) Thanks to the Governments of the Netherlands and Indonesia, for hosting this event. There are more than 50 side events this week, but this is one of the most interesting. We remain concerned by the lack of coverage for harm reduction, and …
The Impact of UN Drug Control Systems on the Mandates of other UN Bodies
Organized by the United Nations Development Programme, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNAIDS. Michel Kazatchkine I’ve been hearing many voices calling for an open debate on the drug problem at the UNGASS next year. I would hope that this discussion starts and results in an assessment of whether our drug …
Reassessing Alternative Development in the UNGASS 2016 Process
Organized by the Governments of Colombia, Germany and Thailand and the UNODC Sustainable Livelihoods Unit. Yury Fedotov Development is an important issue for discussion in context of the world drug problem, and in preparation for UNGASS 2016. Advancing alternative development so farmers cultivating illicit crops can join the licit economy remains a multifaceted challenge. Need …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 2 – Interactive Discussion (b) on Supply Reduction and Related Measures
Part (i) Domestic, regional and cross-regional responses to drugs-related crime countering money-laundering including, where appropriate, in the connection with the financing of terrorism, promoting judicial cooperation in criminal matters (ii) Addressing emerging issues including new psychoactive substances, precursors and the misuse of the Internet The chairs of the interactive discussions will prepare summaries on the …
HIV Prevention Among Women Who Use Drugs: Addressing Specific Needs
Organized by the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and the Academic Council on the United Nations System in partnership with the International Network of Women who use Drugs and Women and Harm Reduction International Network. Introduction Women who use drugs are more likely than men to contract HIV. Women are faced with unique challenges for socio-economic reasons, …