Organized by the International Network of People who Use Drugs with the support of Czechia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, Switzerland, Uruguay, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the United Nations Development Programme, the African Network of …
Side event. Pandemic prevention, preparedness and responses: What it means for people who use drugs
Organized by INPUD Limited with the support of the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section, the European Network of People who Use Drugs, the African Network of People who Use Drugs, the South African Network of People who Use Drugs, the Eurasian Network of People who Use Drugs, the Middle East and North Africa Network of People who …
The Inequalities that Drive the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Among People Who Use Drugs and People in Prisons
Moderator: Monica Ciupagea Expert, Drug use and HIV, UNODC: Welcome to all, thank you for joining us for this side event. Fariba Soltani, Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC will be opening, thank you Fariba. Speaker: Fariba Soltani Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC: Thank you very much to all who …
Side Event: Ending Inequalities for People who Use Drugs: How the Global HIV Response can Transform Drug Policy (and vice versa)
Organized by the Medecins du monde with the support of Australia, the Netherlands, and the International Network of People who Use Drugs, the UNAIDS and the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section The new Global AIDS Strategy and 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS include bold new targets on ‘social enablers’ and community involvement which can …
Side Event: Rehabilitation and social reintegration for released prisoners including ensuring continuity of health care services
Rehabilitation and social reintegration for released prisoners including ensuring continuity of health care services Organized by Zambia, and UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and UNODC Justice Section Alejandro Matta, Moderator Zambia supports post release programs and reintegration of people who have been imprisoned Alita Mbahwe, Zambian delegation Highlighting programs in Zambian custodial facilities. Government of Qatar thank …
Side Event: Communities at the Centre: Barriers and opportunities for community led interventions
Organized by International Drug Policy Consortium, International Network of People who use Drugs, Joint United Nations Programme in HIV/ AIDS, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNODC HIV/AIDS Section Communities of people using drugs are at the forefront of increasing access and delivery of health and human rights-based programs. The “Communities at …