Penny Hill, VNGOC. Good morning everyone, I will hand over to colleagues to introduce themselves. We have Deus and Delkushi today, as well as Anya Busha. Unfortunately Annette Verster is unable to join this morning but Anya will answer some of these questions. Question 1: Can you speak to the current process the WHO is …
Civil Society Participation
Side event: Licit uses of the coca leaf
Organised by the Open Society Institute with the support of Colombia, the Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad and Elementa DDHH Diego Garcia, Open Society Foundations. I am lucky to be here today with a number of experts on the coca leaf issue. Here we want to imagine a future with coca. Andrés …
Side event: Ending overreliance on punishment: Decriminalisation and prison decongestion as key goals of drug policy reform
Organized by the POS Foundation with the support of Czechia, Ghana, Paraguay, Switzerland, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Programme, the Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the …
Side event: Unveiling injustice: Exploring the human rights impact of drug policies in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia region
Organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights with the support of Amnesty International, the Eastern and Central European and Central Asian Commission on Drug Policy, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, Harm Reduction International and the International Drug Policy Consortium Magdalena Dąbkowska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. I have the pleasure to moderate this event. …
Informal Civil Society Dialogue with OHCHR, UNAIDS & UNDP
Augusto, VNGOC. Thank you very much for being here today in the room and online. We have 18 questions so let’s start the process now. For ALL: Eurasian harm reduction association / Eurazijos žalos mažinimo asociacija. My question is about planned coordinated actions to get governmental commitments to decriminalize drug use and possession for personal …
Informal Civil Society Dialogue with the CND Chair
Informal Civil Society Dialogue with the CND Chair 21 March 2024 at 09AM – 10AM CET (C-CR-7 & via MS Teams) Penny Hill (Moderator, VNGOC): Welcome everyone Philbert Abaka Johnson, CND Chair: We cannot achieve optimal results unless everyone is involved in addressing the world drug problem. You play a valuable role, and at a …