The Chair Ambassador Khaled Shamaa opened the meeting and the floor approving draft agenda for session. The recent draft ofthe Chair’s non-paper was circulated, it has also been made available through VNGOC. Interactive debate on UNGASS proposal. Chair: On 26th November, the Executive Branch meeting agreed that interventions be kept brief, taking a maximum 5 …
CND Intersessionals
EU Intervention on the occasion of the 6th Intersessional meeting of the 57th session of the CND
The European Union and its Member States are committed to ensuring that international cooperation in the field of drugs is based on the principies of shared responsability, multilateralism, an integrated, balanced and evidence-based approach, the mainstreaming of development, respect for human rights and human dignity and respect for international conventions, as stated in the EU …
CND Inter-Sessional Session to discuss preparations for the UNGASS – 23 October 2014
MORNING SESSION Chair (Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Egypt) : He welcomes to the 6th Inter-Sessional meeting of the CND during its 57th session. As part of his role as Chair of the CND, he reported to the Third Committee of the General Assembly on the agenda item in international drug control, in particular on the work of the …
CND Inter-Sessional Session to discuss preparations for the UNGASS 2016 – 4 September 2014

MORNING SESSION Click here to view the presentations on UNGASS 2016. Chair (Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Egypt): Began by introducing various procedural matters, and the agenda for the day was adopted. It is expected that UN General Assembly will adopt the UNGASS preparations resolution at their 69th Session. The Chair also encouraged Member States to invite civil society organisations …
CND intersessional – 10th June 2014
Member States gathered at the first intersessional since the 57th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to discuss issues related to UNGASS, law enforcement, HIV prevention and demand reduction, etc. A summary of the discussions is available below. Agenda item 1 – Consideration of Resolution 57/5 on UNGASS Chair. The chair urged civil society …
CND Inter-Sessional – 11th March 2014

A final inter-sessional meeting is taking place today, before the High Level Segment starts officially on 13th March. Taking note of the debate So far, the Mexican request that the Joint Ministerial Statement should acknowledge the “existence of a debate” on drug policy has been accepted, with a new paragraph 7 included as follows: 7. …