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CND Intersessionals

CND Intersessional – 23rd January: Operational recommendations on cross-cutting issues: Human rights, youth, children, women and communities

UNODC Justice Section: Chapter contains 2 sets of recommendations concerning vulnerable members of society and criminal justice proceedings. Those concerning vulnerable peoples discuss the needs of children drug offenders/those affected by drugs and mainstreaming a gender perspective in drug policy. Children must be appropriately considered in criminal justice proceedings. UNODC developed a global programme to …

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CND Intersessional – 23rd January: Operational recommendations on ensuring the availability of and access to controlled substances exclusively for medical and scientific purposes, while preventing their diversion

Gilberto Gerra, UNODC: At the 60th session of the CND we will organise a special event on access to essential medicines, alongside a large number of UN agencies. Palliative care is not only an issue about drugs, it’s an issue focusing on improving the quality of life of the patients. It is a complex problem that needs …

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CND intersessional: 24 January 2017 – Evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances, emerging and persistent challenges and threats, including new psychoactive substances

Operational recommendations on Cross-cutting issues in addressing and countering the world drug problem: Evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances, emerging and persistent challenges and threats, including new psychoactive substances, in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and other relevant international instruments Angela Me, UNODC. There are many aspects of drugs that we need to …

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CND intersessional: 24 January 2017 – Operational recommendations on Supply reduction and related measures; effective law enforcement; responses to drug-related crime; and countering money laundering and promoting judicial cooperation

UNODC. Today we will focus on countering money laundering and organised crime, as well as the role of networks. We will also touch upon new transit routes and present our partnership initiatives. Alexis Fishincker, UNODC. Drug trafficking is an industry with millions of revenues. Recently we discovered a new way of dangerous large scale money laundering, so …

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CND intersessional: 23 January 2017 – Operational recommendations on Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as other health-related issues

Webcast available here CND Chair. There is no comment on the agenda of this meeting so the agenda is adopted. I give word now to the Portuguese Ambassador to chair the thematic discussion. We will continue with agendas 2 and 3 on Wednesday. I came back yesterday from New York. The key theme was how …

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