Organised by the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs with the support of Australia, Czechia and the UNODC Civil Society Unit Moderator: Jamie Bridge, VNGOC Jindrich Voboril, National Drug Coordinator, Czech Republic Civil society is the driving force in drug policy. The Czech Republic have just passed a bill to regulate drugs in regard to their …
Side Events
Side event. Ensuring human rights protection in Nordic drug policy
Organised by the Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk with the support of Iceland, Norway, Denmark, the International Drug Policy Consortium and RIO. Marie Nougier, International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC): Good morning everyone, thank you for joining us for this side event on Nordic drug policies, which is being organised by the Norwegian Association for Humane Drug …
Side Event: Initiatives to prevent overdose (Online)
Organised by Australia with the support of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States Welcome and Opening Remarks – Celia Street, First Assistant Secretary, Population Health Division, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care The Australian Government is investing $19.6 mil over four years from 2022-23 (and $4.9 mil ongoing) to deliver the …
Side Event: From principle to policy to practice: Implementing a human rights approach with people who use drugs
Organised by Release Legal Emergency and Drugs Service Limited with the support of Ghana, Norway, the Global Commission on Drug Policy and the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy. Speakers: Michel Kazatchkine, Global Commission on Drug Policy Angela Constance, Minister for Drug Policy, MSP Seth Kwame Acheampong, Minister of State, Ghana Stephen Cutter, …
Side Event: Gender and drug overdose – trends and evidence for improved responses and drug policies
Organised by Sweden with the support of Canada, Norway, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, the World Health Organisation, the European Union and its Member States, and the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe Moderator: Annika Markovic, Ambassdor, Sweden. I have the privilege of representing the UN International Organizations in Vienna. The topic …
Side event. The right to recovery: an approach for a true care path for the reintegration of persons affected by substance use disorders
Organised by Italy with the support of the UNODC Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, the European Union and the World Health Organization (…) Giovanna Campello, Chief UNODC Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section: How is the concept of recovery is included in the international standard for the treatment …