Organised by Uruguay with the support of Canada, Colombia, Czechia, the Netherlands and South Africa (…): Years ago, a side event like this would’ve been unlikely. The panel will share experiences in regulation in our countries. Daniel Radío, National Drug Secretariat, Uruguay: Our country pioneered cannabis regulation but you may not know much about Uruguay. …
Side Events
Side event: Suffering in the shadows: The impact of drug-related incarceration on family members
Organised by the Washington Office on Latin America with the support of Mexico, and the Church World Service, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Plataforma NNAPES and the Red Internacional de Mujeres Familiares de Personas Privadas de la Libertad Coletta Youngers, Senior Fellow, WOLA: Before going any further, I would just like to say on …
Side Event:Disparities in access to internationally controlled essential medicines in the Caribbean
IAHPC Welcome and Housekeeping Moderator: Dr. Katherine Pettus, Information and Partnerships Director, IAHPC Opening by HE Ambassador Cheryl Spencer, Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations, Vienna Dr. Dingle Spence Consultant in Oncology and Palliative Medicine President of the Caribbean Palliative Care Association (CARIPALCA) Verna Edwards (DPharm) Dept. of Standards and Regulations, Ministry of …
Side Event: Drug Policy in Latin America: Challenges for People Who Use Drugs
Organized by the Brazilian Harm Reduction and Human Rights Network with the support of the Centro de Convivência É de Lei, Harm Reduction International, the Intercambios Civil Association, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Washington Office on Latin America. Moderator: Francisco Neto – Rede brasileira de redução de danos e direitos humanos (REDUC): Hello …
Side event: Reaching Global AIDS Targets Through Harm Reduction and Reform of Restrictive Drug Policy Frameworks
Co-sponsored by the Mission and the Kingdom of Thailand, the Mission of the Republic of Kenya, the World Health Organization, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, the International Drug Policy Consortium and Harm Reduction International. Moderator: Matthew Kavanagh, Special Adviser to the Executive Director for Policy, Advocacy and Knowledge at UNAIDS: Distinguished representatives and …
Side event: Mitigating the risks of corporate capture for legal cannabis markets
Steve Rolles, Transform Drug Policy Foundation. The webinar will be recorded. I join with our fellow speakers in condemning the Russian invasion in Ukraine and stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues and friends. The key aims of cannabis policy should be to protect health and promote social justice and equity and reduce crime. Performance should …