Moderator: Monica Ciupagea Expert, Drug use and HIV, UNODC: Welcome to all, thank you for joining us for this side event. Fariba Soltani, Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC will be opening, thank you Fariba. Speaker: Fariba Soltani Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC: Thank you very much to all who …
Side Events
Side Event: #Leaving No One Behind: Addressing Substance Use in Humanitarian Settings – Providing Access to Services for Displaced Populations and Host Communities in Acute and Protracted Emergencies
#Leaving No One Behind: Addressing Substance Use in Humanitarian Settings – Providing Access to Services for Displaced Populations and Host Communities in Acute and Protracted Emergencies Moderator: UNODC, Giovanna Campello, Chief of Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section Speakers: Anja Busse, UNODC, Program Officer in Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section Dr. Dzmitry Krupchanka, WHO, Medical Officer, …
Side event: Driving change from a shrinking space: Challenges to effective civil society participation in drug policy making
Organised by the Brussels Federation of Institutions for Drug Addicts with the support of the Czech Republic, Spain, and the Civil Society Forum on Drugs in the EU, the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, the European Union, and the French NGO Platform on Drug Policy Laurène Collard, Civil Society Forum on Drugs in the …
Side Event: Drug Policy in Context: Poverty, Criminalization and Discrimination Against Women
Organized by ‘Equis: Justicia para Las Mujeres’ and co-sponsored by WOLA (Washington Office on Latin America). Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 Speakers: Nancy Carmona, Coordinator of Public Policy, EQUIS Justicia para Las Mujeres Mónica Rebollo, Senior Public Policy Officer, EQUIS Justicia para Las Mujeres Amaranta Valgañón, Senior Attorney – Strategic Litigation, EQUIS Justicia para Las Mujeres …
Side event: Cause and effect – making the case for evidence-based drug policy
Organized by the Fields of Green for ALL with the support of the Veterans Action Council Full recording available here Myrtle Clarke, MD at Fields of Green for ALL: Fields of Green for ALL was established in 2013 to answer the need for extensive evidence to support our legal challenges on the road to the …
Side event: Human rights: the right to equitable health, social and justice remedies for people who use drugs
Natasha Meli Daudey, Permanent Representative of Malta: Malta has an overarching human rights approach to drug policy and this is one of the reasons why we organized the side event around the same topic. The principle of harm reduction went through our pillars of our truck policy, particularly in terms of equitable and nondiscriminatory access …