Organised by the Netherlands with the support of Canada, Czechia, New Zealand, Portugal, Switzerland, the United States, the European Union, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the New Zealand Drug Foundation and Safer Drug Policies Norway Moderator: Victor Sannes. Let me thank the cosponsors of our side event. Mr. Daan van der Gouwe, drugs researcher …
Side Events
Side Event: Children whose parents use drugs
Organized by the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe with the support of Czechia, Mexico and the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (CICAD-OAS) Florence Mabileau, Deputy to the Pompidou Group Executive Secretary: Welcome everybody. I’m very happy to see you here at this side …
Side event: Peace and drug policy
Organised by Acción Técnica Social with the support of Colombia, the Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas, Universidad de Los Andes, DeJusticia, Elementa DDHH, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Colombia, and the Instituto RIA AC Moderator – Maria del Mar Pizzaro congress woman from Colombia: I´m presenting several women in this panel. Regulation in drug policy …
Side event. The efforts of Ghana towards placing health and human rights at the heart of national drug policy: lessons learned and future opportunities
Organized by Ghana with the support of Czechia, Germany, Nigeria, South Africa, Switzerland, the African Union Commission, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Centre for Human Rights and Drug Policy and the International Drug Policy Consortium Moderator: Mary Wangui Mugwanja, Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations …
Side event. Drug policy and human rights: cannabis regulation as a humanitarian measure
Organised by Elternkreis Wien with the support of the Knowmad Institute, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Deutschland, the Brazilian Harm Reduction and Human Rights Network and the Cannabis Verband Bayern. Rev. Daniela Kreher: In the framework of the 66th session of the CND our goal today is to showcase how regulating cannabis under humanitarian approach can …
Side Event. Cannabis law reform: Leading the way towards more effective drug control and the attainment of the sustainable development goals
Organized by the Fields of Green for ALL (non-profit company) with the support of the Veterans Action Council, Virginians Against Drug Violence, Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access,, the Umzimvubu Farmer’s Support Network, the South African Drug Policy Initiative, the South African Network of People who Use Drugs, the Cannabis Community Council and Doctors for …