Home » Indonesia Addresses the Demand Reduction Round Table

Indonesia Addresses the Demand Reduction Round Table

‘It is a great pleasure for me to be here to share the experiences of my country. There are three components that i would like to share. First, on demand reduction. Indonesia has a holistic, sustainable approach as continuum of care, aimed at promoting the health and well being of individuals and families and reducing the adverse health and social consequences of drug abuse. Government, ngos, parents, teachers, health professionals, youth and community organisation, employees, in the private sectors working together. Treatment – there are estimated 3.3 million people who abuse drugs, a 1.6% rate of total population of Indonesia. A moderate proportion. But the drug users, 15% of whom only are IDUs, ATS and ecstacy are becoming the drug of choice. Treatment intervention of ATS abuse is evident. National policy on drug demand reduction based on scientific evidence should be properly sequenced. The need for ATS abuse is a priority and a challenge. As a key component of demand reduction, Indonesia. Prevention programmes are carried out in a a number of settings including schools and families. We promote healthy lifestyles. In 2009 the national narcotic board will conduct lifestyles training and is encouraging community participation from the grass route level by enhancing the community capacity of early intervention thus creating a drug free society. So in conclusion, the aim of our drug prevention strategy should be three fold – 1) aimed at preventing drug use particularly by targeting youth 2) minimise the barriers to treatment and cater to the specific needs of individuals based on scientific evidence and sound medical practice 3) aim to minimise the adverse consequences of drug use. All this is done in harmony with prevailing laws,and respecting human rights and dignity.’

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