L2 F2 resolution has been put forward for the adoption, UK welcomes the proposal to adopt the resolutions one by one, though noted that practice is to let the commitee of the whole finish the review of the drafts and than adopt them all together. japan agreed on this issue, and mentioned that these resolutions are not finalized and might change again.
The plenary moves on discussion on L3 resolution.
Australia agrees with the UK about saving time to discuss and adopt the resolutions
Russian delegation proposews to consult with the head of the committee of the draft resolutions to have more information about resolutions. The head of the committee needs to be in the room while working on the resolutions.
Chairperson asks if the plenary would like to break at the moment. Finland seconds it.
UK agrees with Russia and suggests to work on other issues.
Chiarperson suggests to break until 4pm and the plenary continues working from that time.
Bolivia agrees with Finland.
Russia would like to agree with the UK once again and mentions that the plenary needs to reach the consesus; if the plenary is to continue working than maybe would be good to call the head of the committee of the whole to report the plenary on the work.
The plenary is stalled for the moment cannot continue work without consesus.