Preventing the use of illicit drugs presented by Peru (co sponsors Chile, Costa Rica, Egypt, El Salvador and Norway)
Peru: The world drug problem is detrimental to society especially young people. Preventative programs have to be based on scientific evidence and focus on individuals, children and young people; this resolution promotes consensual standards based on international standards on prevention, and exhorts the UNODC and member states to develop crosscutting multidisciplinary approaches.
US has questions about the text, terminology preventing illicit or drug abuse, has reservations about the use of the term illicit drugs. The Venezuelan delegation took part in the informal negotiations and they want to use the word drug abuse, used in the conventions. France prefers illicit use, due to the way abuse is translated in French.
The US delegation believes using the original format limits the scope of the resolution. However the Netherlands prefers the original terms, they state that in in the convention licit use is not considered illegal. The US ask if preventing drug use is more appropriate Peru believes that the proposal of the US is too broad and might thus be applied to medicines.
Adjourned for informal negotiations