Alternatives to imprisonment as effective demand reduction strategies that promote public health and public safety
The resolution is sponsored by Mexico, USA and Peru
Mexico makes a few minor amendments in the resolution which have been agreed by governments:
– In the title: Alternatives to imprisonment for certain offences as demand reduction strategies that promote public health and public safety
– Preambular paragraph PP 8: small change in replacing ‘welcoming’ into ‘taking note of’
– Penultimate preambular paragraph on alternative measures to prosecution and imprisonment was changed slightly as well.
Budgetary implications:
Operative paragraphs 5 to 7:
– 8 million dollars will be used to develop technical guidelines and training.
– 71,000 dollars will be required to prepared a report in 6 languages.
Uruguay makes a statement on the resolution: it welcomes the negotiations highlighted by Mexico. But they would like to point out some aspects that are fundamental to Uruguay: drug treatment is part of comprehensive treatment that states should guarantee as a human right. It is also a human right for all, whether in prison or not. Consumption of drugs should not be a criminal offence. It is contrary to global evidence. Everything should be done with the person’s consent, so treatment should not be seen as an alternative to prison. We should also consider alternative regimes.
Colombia: our country has been a pioneer in criminal legislation. We are convinced that one of the major avenues is to explore options away from prisons. We don’t all have the option of effective re-socialisation.
The resolution is now adopted. The delegations that co-sponsor the resolution include: Canada, Australia, Chile, Colombia, Russian Federation, Norway, Denmark on behalf of the EU, Uruguay, Israel.