We have now come to the closing of the session of the CND. This has been hard work. You have shown your commitment to discussions at CND. The resolution 13 is a milestone for the high level review of 2014 and in the lead up of 2016.
The resolution on new psychoactive substances has called for an integrated and collaborative approach. ANother very important resolution was on alternaive development, HIV, principle of shared responsibility.
Side events have also been organised on Myanmar, on precursor control, on the EU, on countering illicit drug smuggling in Afghanistan.
We have also had fruitful meetings on Afghanistan and other items. All of this helps solidify dialogue and international cooperation.
I attended the NGO dialogue on Wednesday. For UNODC, the work of NGOs in invaluable. We promote human rights, HIV, etc. as part of our work.
We ensure that the availability of drugs foe medical and scientific purposes as well.
Our duty is not funded on geographic or financial size. We support people around the world who ned our help.
In the resolution on countering the world drug problem, all states engage to continue to move forward in unanimity on the issue of the world drug control. UNODC will ensure that this happens.
We give thanks to the Chair and Secretariat, staff, etc.