Presented by Brazil. Text in line with agreed language of previous resolutions supported by CND.
System is already available for registration. It is launched. It will only succeed with feedback.
Any comments on the title? None.
Preliminary paragraphs
First three pPs. Colombia. Our comments have to do with the form. “The resolution” and the next line — small language adjustments.
Last three PPs. None.
Operational paragraphs
OPs 1-5.
Iran. OP4. Line 2. instead of of “among parties” use “between importing and exporting parties”
OP 5,6, 7. Iran. Para.6, end of line 3. “prior to launching” after “the operation of the system”
Brazil. system already launched. Countries can register themselves in the system or not.
Egypt. Seeking clarification on ECOSOC resolutions referred to in OP6.
Brazil. Refers to PPs. Egypt. Write related resolutions — “Drugs relating to the international electronic import and export authorisation” “of the ECOSOC and the CND relating to the international system for licit international trade in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.”
Venezuela. Likes Brazilian language better. Current language reduces to just those countries involved in import and export. My understanding before that it was more general. Parties, is better. Member stets through national authorities.
Brazil. This should be among “parties’ rather than member states. Should be more general.
Iran. Very flexible. Accepts “between parties”
Venezuela. Instead of Among Parties use Between, looks like import and export parties — meaning countries involved in international trade. System is there to be used by member states, so should be “among parties”.
Australia. Agree with previous colleague. Among parties subtly broader. Operationalisation unlikely to have major effects.
Brasil. Be flexible. Countries that already use the system should spread the word, and engage national authorities. Have bigger promotion not just between two member states engaging in the system. so that in the near future we have all MS participating.
Iran. In the system, only two countries are involved, importing and exporting. Put import and export authotizations and then importing and exporting parties. System would not allow other parties to be informed of import and export. Add, we are not talking about this between two countries. It is for many countries. Not limiting the system as it is — but the authorisation is between two parties. endorse.